The villain boss is my family

Chapter 591 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 591 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (4)

When Shi Jiu looked at the expectant person in front of him, he felt emotional.

"Mom, I don't blame you. Things have happened, so now we need to do a good job of it and stop other people's mouths."

Qiu's mother's expression darkened, "Bessie, it's all mother's fault for causing you to live in such pain."

Shi Jiu shook his head, "Mom, I really don't blame you, don't think too much, I'll go upstairs first."

Qiu's mother quietly looked at her figure and thought.

Does her Bessie really not blame her?
Maybe it's her fault...


Today, the weather is bright.

The injury is almost healed, Shijiu asks to go back to school.

Qiu's mother agreed with her.

Before leaving, she stopped Shijiu.


She stopped and looked back at her, "What's wrong?"

Looking at her daughter's face, Qiu's mother wanted to say too much to him, but she just smiled.

She warned, "Be careful on the road."

Shijiu nodded and started on the way to school.

It was the time of the military training for freshmen, and she had to return to the team after leaving for a few days as a freshman. Today happened to be the first day of the training camp.

She went back to the dormitory, put on her military training clothes, and went to the playground.

Class fifteen.

After the squad leader organized the team, the instructors began to roll the roll.

"Mo Ruyi."


"Jia Ling."


"Qiu Beixi."

The instructor frowned, "Qiu Beixi! Qiu Beixi!"

No one in the line answered.

"Is Qiu Beixi not here?"

"Report to the instructor, that sissy is not here!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the team burst into laughter.

The instructor snapped: "Everyone be quiet!"

At this time, the appearance of Shi Jiu alone made everyone on the playground look over.

Shijiu stood in front of Class [-].

A girl muttered: "Who is he? He looks good."

"I don't know, I don't think I've seen him before."

Hearing the commotion, the instructor turned around and saw Shi Jiu blinking, why did this face feel a little familiar.

He looked at her and frowned, "Which class are you in? What's your name?"

Shi Jiu raised his head and smiled, and said loudly, "Report to the instructor, Class [-] Qiu Beixi has requested to be included!"

After the words fell, the students in Class [-] were boiling.

"Fuck! He's Qiu Beixi!!"

"Impossible! Why has he changed his appearance!"

Some boys sneered, "Hey, so what if you change your appearance, you're not a bitch!"

The instructor glanced at the noisy team, "Quiet me! Whoever speaks out will be fined to stand for an hour!"

Class [-] was suddenly as quiet as a chicken.

The instructor glanced at her height, "The fifth in the third row, Qiu Beixi is in the row!"


Shijiu found a seat, but the male student who was ranked fifth had no intention of leaving.

The other party looked at her with a contemptuous look on his face.

Shi Jiu had a smile on his lips, "This classmate, please step aside."

The opponent is still standing there.

She stretched out her foot and crushed his foot hard.

"Qiu Beixi, are you alive..." Tired

"Report to the instructor, this student refuses to give up his seat!"

The villain complained first, and what he said was the current Shijiu.

"Please come out! Come out and stand for half an hour!"

The boy stared at Shi Jiu viciously, and reluctantly walked out.

After seeing people join the team, the instructor said: "I am not in charge of your training, the instructor who is in charge of you will come later."

Someone in the team complained, "Ah! Instructor, so you are not in charge of us?"

Some people are nympho, "Is the new instructor good-looking? Are there any instructors good-looking?"

(End of this chapter)

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