The villain boss is my family

Chapter 593 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 593 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (6)

Everything seemed to be going smoothly, but accidents still happened.

Shi Jiu was pushed out again.

Everyone laughed sullenly, shaking their shoulders.


There are wolves in front and tigers behind.

One is not enough or two!

She glanced back in that direction.

The person who pushed her was replaced by another person. It was a girl. She was quite good-looking, but the vicious look on her face didn't match her.

Chen Yao looked at her mockingly, and said two words softly, "It's what you deserve!"

After speaking, she smiled even brighter.

Shi Jiu glanced at those who laughed at her with a dark face.

"Report to the instructor, they are bullying!"

Qiu Yiming also noticed the situation over there, and found that it was the same person who made the mistake just now.

He frowned and walked over, because Shi Jiu's back was facing him, he couldn't see her face clearly.

"what happened?"

Shi Jiu looked at them and complained: "Instructor, they are united to bully me!"

She immediately pointed at Chen Yao, "She just pushed me!"

Chen Yao, who was named, bowed her head guilty.

Qiu Yiming looked at her inquiringly, "Is there such a thing?"

When Chen Yao thought that Qiu Beixi was nothing to be afraid of, she said without changing her face: "Report to the instructor, Qiu Beixi wronged me, and I didn't push him at all!"

Qiu Yiming didn't react for a while.

"Is what she said true?"

"Instructor, I can testify that what Chen Yao said is true!"

"Instructor, I can also testify that Chen Yao didn't push him, he was lying!"

wait... what did they just say...

Qiu Beixi? ! !
His stupid brother!

It can be regarded as finding him.

He didn't even see him at all.

It turned out that he deliberately hid in the crowd so that he would not see him.

He is capable.

"Qiu Beixi!"

Shi Jiu's body shuddered, "Here!"

Qiu Yiming's expression sank when he heard the familiar voice, "Come out for me!"


Shi Jiu walked out of the team with his head down.

Everyone gloated as he was called by the instructor.

Looking at the thin figure in front of him, Qiu Yiming looked a little displeased.

Is he that scary as an older brother?
"Qiu Beixi look up for me!"


Shi Jiu raised his head and smiled at him.

Qiu Yiming was stunned.

This is the silly brother in his impression?

How does it feel like a different person.

It seems to be normal.


"Instructor, what can I do for you?"

He shook his head, ""

This kid shouldn't be beaten stupid, right?

"Since there is no one, what should they do if they bully me?"

Shi Jiu pointed to the team.

Qiu Yiming looked at him smiling like a little fox, but couldn't tell that this was really his younger brother.

I don't know why he believed what he said.

Then, brother Hu's heart sprouted, he frowned and looked at the team, "All of them were punished for five laps."

Can his younger brother be bullied casually?
Someone in the team immediately complained.

"Why the instructor! We didn't participate in this matter!"

"Can the instructor not run away!"

"Ten laps."

Everyone in the team shut their mouths immediately.

Qiu Yiming issued an order, "Everyone stand at attention and start to walk..."

A group of people started jogging with resentment.

Shi Jiu squinted his eyes and looked at the group of people who were dying and pursed their lips, looking very happy.

"Brother, thank you."

Qiu Yiming was taken aback.

He looked at her with a complicated expression.

The younger brother doesn't seem to be afraid of him anymore.

This is a good thing.

Speaking of his younger brother, he also turned a blind eye to the old man and let him mess around. Unexpectedly, he was severely injured again within a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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