The villain boss is my family

Chapter 594 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 594 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (7)

If it wasn't for the old man who couldn't bear to see him hurt again, he really didn't know that his younger brother suddenly changed his appearance like this.

In general, what his elder brother did was too incompetent, and there was still too little love for him.

So much so that every time he saw him, he was very scared, which made him not dare to approach him.

At this moment, looking at the person seemed to have changed, and his mood became more cheerful.


A brother-guarding maniac is quietly pouting...

Shi Jiu stood beside him, and their appearances became a landscape.

"Look over there, am I right? The instructor seems to be smiling. Did that bitch say something flattering to the instructor?"

"My mother, that Qiu Beixi stood next to the instructor, and suddenly felt very seductive, what's going on?"

"Why do you think they look alike? My illusion?"

"It must be your delusion. Which of his two elder brothers is not the son of heaven, who would have the time to take care of him? If you want to take care of him, it's not too early to take care of him! It's not a default."

Qiu Yiming withdrew his gaze, glanced at Shi Jiu who was next to him and said leisurely: "Beixi, run a few laps with me, your masculinity will always be tempered."

Shijiu: "..."

There is really a strong sense of disgust in it.

She looked like a fool, "Brother, I am the victim, why should I run with them, I am not stupid."

Qiu Yiming was speechless for a moment.

He didn't know what to say, so he could only continue to stare at the team running in circles.


After the sun goes down.

The teams on the playground were disbanded collectively, so what to do.

After Qiu Yiming left, Shi Jiu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

All day long, he just stared at her.

Just look at it, but what kind of look is that, it seems that there is an intention to discourage her.

Made her feel uncomfortable.

She was about to lift her feet and leave to eat in the collective canteen, but she was stopped by two boys, one tall and one short, surrounded by a few boys watching the excitement.

The short boy looked condescending, with his nostrils upturned to look at people, "Qiu Beixi, where do you want to go? The brothers have something to ask you, come with us."

Shi Jiu looked at them and then nodded.

The tall boys looked down on him even more.

They took her near the boys toilet.

The tall boy threatened viciously: "Qiu Beixi, hand over all the money on your body, or I will beat you!"

"Hand it over quickly, and you can avoid a beating. You should know how to choose such a cost-effective thing?"

Shi Jiu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly raised his head and smiled, "Of course I understand, I will cooperate."

"Wait a minute, wait for me to take out the money."

She put her hand into her pocket, "Come here, I'll give you the money."

The two simply walked over.

"Bang bang—"

A muffled grunt of pain.

"Qiu Beixi! How the hell do you dare—"

"Bang bang—"

"Don't dare, you really think I'm easy to bully!"

Then, she mended a few more feet.

After Shijiu made the two of them dry, they walked away.


Walking into the dining hall, I found that the line was long.

Shijiu casually stood in line behind a line.

The story of her changing her "head" has been passed on from time to time.

At this moment, someone recognized who she was.

"Isn't this Qiu Beixi?"

"It's really him! He has really changed his appearance! He is indeed much prettier than before!"

She was unmoved in the face of everyone's discussion.

She continued to line up her own line.

When he was about to reach her, a boy penetrated in front of him.

The aunt who ordered food in the canteen didn't say anything, and was going to order food for the boy.

(End of this chapter)

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