The villain boss is my family

Chapter 597 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 597 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (10)

Shi Jiu looked at them indifferently, "I'm just reminding you that if you don't rest, others should rest."

The housekeeper echoed: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, if it affects my young master's sleep quality again, be careful that you can't eat and walk around! The Qin family is not easy to mess with!"

Everyone seemed to be frightened when they heard his words, and then they all dispersed and left.

The butler was relieved to see this.

Shi Jiu glanced at him, "Which dormitory is your young master in?"


She raised her eyebrows, it was next to her.

"But why are you looking for the young master?"

"Of course there is something to give back to him."

She took out the underpants in her pocket, shook them and walked into the 503 dormitory.

The butler behind saw her move: "..."

Doesn't this young master of the Qiu family have some quirks?

After he realized it, he remembered that his young master had lost a pair of underpants.

That piece turned out to belong to his young master!

Qin Mo watched her walk in expressionlessly, his eyes fell on the red underpants on her hands.

Shi Jiu smiled, "Hey, is this something you lost? The color is really pretty."


"I heard that you dropped it, and I'm here to return it to you."

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, she smiled lowly, "Don't be embarrassed if they're all men, what's yours is yours."

She stretched out her hand and handed it over, "Here, I'll give it back to you."

Qin Mo looked at the hands that had trampled him...

The picture makes me feel uncomfortable.

He pursed his lips, "I don't want anything."

When Shi Jiu heard this, he stepped forward and grabbed his hand, and stuffed the underpants into his hand.

"If you don't want something, just don't want it. I'll return the pants to you. You're welcome."

She left dormitory 503.

Qin Mo looked at the underpants thoughtfully for a long time.

Shijiu returned to 502 next door, opened the door and walked in, saw three shirtless boys, and another boy who just slipped into the bathroom and seemed to be wearing underpants.


In a dormitory for eight people, her bed is on top of it, and at a glance, she can see that her bed is already full of various things.

Needless to say, those belonged to the few remaining.

She squinted her eyes, and she actually came to the dormitory.

The boys just looked at her like this, without any intention of taking the things on the bed away.

It seems to be saying, I will let it go, what can you do with us.

Shi Jiu walked under his bed, glanced at them, "Whoever owns the things, quickly remove them for me."

After speaking, no one moved.


Shi Jiu kicked down the chair beside him.

This startled them all.

A short-cut boy with a fierce face stood up, "Qiu Beixi, you have taken the wrong medicine!"

She said with a sullen face, "Say it again, who owns it, hurry up and take it away!"

The short-haired boy felt that he was neglected, and he was angry, "Qiu Beixi, are you listening to me?"

She chuckled, "Since no one has claimed these things, I'll throw them out."

"you dare!"

Two voices came from different directions.

Shi Jiu looked at the two of them, "It turns out that the things belong to both of you. Didn't your parents tell you that you can put things around without others' permission?"

She said slowly: "Get all your things away before I get angry."

The face of the inch-cut boy beside him was so dark!

This brat actually ignored him!
The two men laughed.

"Qiu Beixi, don't put on a fucking act, do you think we're afraid of you if you're like this!"

"Besides, can you, a sissy, beat us?"

Shi Jiu looked at them expressionlessly.

It seems that these brats still need to be repaired.

(End of this chapter)

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