The villain boss is my family

Chapter 598 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 598 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (11)

The sound coming from the 502 dormitory attracted people from several nearby dormitories to watch the excitement, and some boys came to join in.

There were many spectators around the door.

503 dormitory next door.

Qin Mo frowned as he looked at the empty dormitory. He looked at the housekeeper who walked in, "Did something happen outside?"

The housekeeper explained: "The young master of the Qiu family in 502 next door seems to be in trouble again. The situation doesn't look good. It seems that the young master of the Qiu family can't escape this time."

Last time he heard that he was beaten quite hard, and he recuperated at home for a week, and it didn't take long for him to get into trouble again.

The butler really couldn't bear to see the young master of the Qiu family being severely injured.

"Master, do you want to..."

Qin Mo paused.

He then shook his head, "No, he can solve it himself."

"Master, do you really not need to worry about it?"



At this time, the 502 dormitory.

"Brother Xiang, what happened to you?"

"This sissy dares to yell at me, do you think he is tired of working?"

The vicious-looking boy with a short cut was called Li Xiang. He was a well-known person in the society, and many people fawned on him.

"Brother Xiang, do you want to beat him up? I'll help you."

"I'll help you too!"

There are many more people around who are helping him, Li Xiang looked at Shi Jiu and snorted coldly, "Qiu Beixi still dares to bully me now! You are the first one who dares to bully me in front of me!"

Damn this brat!
Dare to ignore him, this is the end!
Seeing how many of them there were, Shi Jiu said slowly, "What? You still want to gang up on me?"

Li Xiang laughed loudly: "You are really right!"

She looked innocent, "Since you want to beat me, you have to close the door, so that the instructor won't see it."

Li Xiang laughed, "I like your bad taste."

"Go and close the door!"

The door closed, Shi Jiu licked his dry lips, the best show was yet to come.

Li Xiang ordered, "Go! Beat him!"


A boy was punched, and the corners of his eyes instantly turned black.

"Bang bang bang-"

Three times, five times and two times, everyone was thrown to the ground by her.

Hearing the howls, Shi Jiu slightly hooked his lips.

Li Xiang couldn't imagine that that sissy killed so many people by herself this year.

Her eyes fell on him, "Do you want to fuck?"

Li Xiang felt insulted, he gritted his teeth, "Qiu Beixi!"

He rushed over.

Seeing this, Shi Jiu directly picked up a chair and swung it over.



Blood flowed from Li Xiang's head in an instant, and his eyes turned black and he fell to the ground in an instant.

Shi Jiu looked at the smiling threats from the stunned people on the ground, "I didn't do this, do you understand?"

Everyone: "..."


They nodded in fear.

"When the instructor asks later, you all know how to say it?"

They nodded in fear.

Shi Jiu smiled, "What a good boy."

She pointed to her bed, "Can you take the things on it now?"

Several people on the ground quickly got up regardless of the pain, and cleaned up and down her bed.

The rest of the other dormitories who came to help and haven't done anything yet want to leave here.

Shijiu stopped them.

"and many more."

"Take him to the clinic for a bandage. You all understand what to say then, right?"

She looked distressed, "If you don't do it, I don't know if you will be like him."

They were a little bit scared, and quickly hugged Li Xiang who was on the ground. As soon as the door opened, they ran out quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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