The villain boss is my family

Chapter 599 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 599 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (12)

The people who watched the excitement outside were startled by the few people who rushed out.

They exclaimed when they saw someone was injured.

"It's bloody!"

"Huh? Why is Li Xiang injured? Where's that sissy Qiu Beixi?"

One by one, they lay on the watch by the door and looked inside.

It was found that the person was lying on the bed in a regular manner and sleeping.

At this time, a boy inside came out of the bathroom after taking a shower and saw that many people were peeping at him, so he hid back in the bathroom in fright.

After tonight, no one in the dormitory dared to speak loudly to Shi Jiu again.


503 Dormitory.

"Master, it's getting late, I have to leave."

Qin Mo gave a faint "hmm".

The butler left.

Several boys from the dormitory walked in and discussed.

"That boy Qiu Beixi was unscathed, but Li Xiang was injured. It's so strange that they did it all by themselves!"

"Could it be Qiu Beixi..."

"Impossible? He can defeat so many people? Li Xiang alone is enough for him to drink a pot."

"But Li Xiang was injured."

Several people stopped talking.

dubious about this.

Qin Mo looked calm, and seemed to be deaf to what they said.


the next day.

After Shijiu woke up and sat up, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a boy taking off his pants and preparing to change.

Her eyelids twitched.

This is to take off pants!

She quickly picked up an object on the bedside and threw it down.

This startled the boys below, he was about to have a fit, but after finding out it was Qiu Beixi, he didn't dare to do it, because he still remembered the scene yesterday.

She said coldly: "If you change clothes in the future, please go to the bathroom."

Even though he was reluctant, the boy walked into the bathroom with his clothes in his arms.

Seeing that everyone was leaving, Shi Jiu hurriedly washed up and walked out of the dormitory.

When he came out, he happened to meet Qin Mo.

She glanced behind him and saw that there was no one there, "Where's your butler?"

Qin Mo replied indifferently: "Go back."

He lifted his foot towards the direction of the stairs.

Shi Jiu smiled and followed, "Are you going to have breakfast? I happen to be going too, together."

Qin Mo wanted to say that his breakfast butler would bring it, but he didn't say it after thinking about it.

He was dragged to the dining hall by Shi Jiu.


The two walked to the dining hall.

There was a girl screaming.

"It's Qin Mo! It's Qin Mo!"

"It's really him! He, a young master, even came to the dining hall!"

Seeing people coming and going, Qin Mo frowned.

Shi Jiu looked at him and asked, "Have you been here?"



The young master is the young master.

Regardless of family background, the two are similar.

They were also born with a golden spoon in their mouths, so the difference between the two is too great!

She should have been picked up and raised by the Qiu family!

She smiled, "There is a first time for everything, come with me."

Qin Mo nodded and followed her.

The other end is the dining area for instructors.

Qiu Yiming was stunned seeing his stupid brother and that young master of the Qin family together.

When did these two meet!

Qin Mo, the young master of the Qin family, had seen him before. He was indifferent and volatile, and looked like he was not close to strangers. How could Qiu Beixi get close to others?
At this end, after Shi Jiu led Qin Mo to line up to prepare meals, the two came to an empty table and sat down.

"I'm gonna start now!"

She took two mouthfuls of rice.

Qin Mo stared at the food on the plate for a long time, then raised his head and glanced at Shi Jiu, who was eating big mouthfuls, then picked up the chopsticks and put the food into his mouth.

"I heard that you won't live to be 30, is it true?"

Qin Mo stopped the chopsticks in his hand and looked at her, and said for a while, "No."

(End of this chapter)

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