The villain boss is my family

Chapter 620 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 620 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (33)

Chen Yao came out cautiously after seeing the person leaving.

She looked at Qiu Beixi who was bullied and looked down upon by her in the past, but she didn't expect him to save her regardless of the past, and she didn't know how to express her current feelings at this moment.

She pursed her lips, stretched out her hands to cover her own clothes tightly, and looked at Shi Jiu anxiously, "That... that Qiu Beixi... thank you for saving me, thank you very much."

Only then did Shi Jiu turn her head to look at her, and saw that the makeup on her face was covered with tears, and the clothes on her body were also damaged in several places. After thinking about it, she took off her coat and handed it to her.

Chen Yao was stunned for a moment, and looked at her fixedly.

Shi Jiu stuffed the clothes into her arms, "Take it, it's not pretty for you to go out like this."

Before she left, she told her lightly, "Don't do such annoying things in the future, not everyone can bear the things you do."

Then he lifted his foot and left.

Chen Yao's face turned pale, she lowered her eyes and couldn't see the expression on her face clearly.

She struggled in her heart for a long time, and said slowly, "Yes... I'm sorry..."

Looking at the people walking away in front of her, she shouted at Shi Jiu's back: "Qiu Beixi, I'm sorry and... thank you!"

Shi Jiu's footsteps paused, the corners of her mouth raised slowly, and she finally left.

Chen Yao looked down at the clothes in her hand and smiled, she was very grateful at this moment.


Qin family.

At this time, Qin Mo was lying on the bed with a bad complexion. The doctor was examining him, and Qin's mother looked at him worriedly.

"Doctor Wang, how is Mo'er doing? How did he behave like this?"

It has been a long time since the last attack.

Dr. Wang habitually pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "Madam, don't worry, Young Master Qin's condition is still stable. This time, there are more factors than the onset of the illness. It may be caused by insufficient rest or excessive pressure... Young Master Qin still needs a good rest recently..."

Qin's mother nodded, and she worriedly asked: "Is there any specific treatment for Mo'er's condition..."

This is always procrastinating is not an option.

Mo'er's health has always been poor, and any carelessness will endanger her life.

Dr. Wang sighed, "Ma'am, no suitable bone marrow for Young Master Qin has been found yet... The hospital has increased its manpower to look for it..."

Qin's mother clenched her hands and pursed her lips.

This Mo'er's illness can't be dragged on any longer.

Finally, Dr. Wang explained a few words and left.

She looked at Qin Mo, "Mo'er..."

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, "Mom, I'm fine, I know my own body, don't worry so much."

"How can Mom not be worried that your illness has not improved? Mom is afraid that you..."

Qin Mo wanted to speak but suddenly coughed, his face turned abnormally rosy.

Qin's mother dared to go up to have a look, "Mo'er, do you feel better?"

He shook his head, "I'm fine,"

"Mo'er, protracting your illness is not an option, why don't we go abroad immediately?"

Qin Mo raised his eyes to look at her, and then slowly said: "Mom, let me think about this matter."

Qin's mother nodded, "Mo'er, then you have a good rest, and Mom won't bother you."

Seeing that the door was closed, he couldn't help coughing again. He covered his mouth with his hand, and bright red liquid flowed out from his hand.

He was silent for a moment, wiping with a tissue.

Qin's mother, who hadn't left outside, was very distressed when she heard the coughing sound.

She knew that Mo'er definitely didn't want her to see him like this.

She sighed and left.

(End of this chapter)

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