The villain boss is my family

Chapter 621 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 621 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (34)

late at night.

autumn family.

Shijiu was alone in the room,
She couldn't sleep in bed, so she took out the pair of rings.

Looking at the ring in her hand, the expression in her eyes softened.

His domineering declaration sounded in his ears.

"Xiao Jiu, after wearing it, you will be mine from now on, don't try to escape from my side, otherwise I will destroy the world and bring you back..."

She chuckled, what an unreasonable man.

But when she thought that he died to save her, her expression became a little sad.

If it weren't for her, those things that followed would never have happened.

He won't be out of his wits either.

"Fire Qilin, don't you blame me?"

"No wonder."


"Even without that incident, the Demon Lord would still make such a choice. As long as he can save you, he will be willing to do so."

Shi Jiu smiled slightly, "He's too stupid."

He did too many stupid things for her.

"Woman, don't be sad, the devil will come back."

She nodded, ended the conversation with Huo Qilin, and fell asleep after turning off the lights.


the next day.

It was only after Shi Jiu went to school that he realized that Qin Mo wasn't here today.

She left Qin Mo's class.

Why didn't he come to school.

Did something happen to him?
She didn't know the answer.

She was a little absent-minded and accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to..."

She raised her head and found that it was Chen Yao, she was a little surprised, "Why is it you?"

Chen Yao smiled shyly at her, blushing slightly, "I... I'm here to find you."

She raised her eyebrows, what do you want her for?
"Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Chen Yao raised her head and looked at her, "Qiu Beixi, thank you for saving me yesterday. To thank you, I made this with my own hands. I hope you like it..."

Shi Jiu looked at the exquisitely packaged snack box in her hand with a calm face, "Give it to me? Don't you hate me?"

Chen Yao quickly shook her head, "I don't hate you now, after you saved me, I... I just... looked at you differently..."

She bowed her head, "I was very sorry before, so please forgive me."

Shijiu was very surprised.

I hated her to death before, but now...

She felt a little strange.

She wondered, "You are not lying to me, are you?"

Could it be that because she saved her once, she repented?
Chen Yao quickly waved her hands, "No, no,'s true..."

Shi Jiu took the box in her hand, "I see, I've accepted your things, you can go."

Chen Yao glanced at her and nodded, turned and left.

Shi Jiu looked at her figure and frowned.

Why did this person, Chen Yao, look so strange, and his temperament has changed so much.

It is said that her nature is hard to change, has she really reformed?

"Woman, I felt a familiar smell just now, as if I smelled it somewhere..."

But it can't remember where it is.

She frowned, "Don't you remember wrongly? Is there anyone familiar here? Isn't it just me..."

and many more……

That Chen Yao just now.

She scowled.

that woman...

"Can you tell me what that breath is?"

Huo Qilin held back for a long time, "It seems to be a faint fragrance, like... like a medicinal fragrance... yes, it is a medicinal fragrance."

Shi Jiu narrowed his eyes.

Speaking of Yaoxiang, she really knew one.

Could this be that woman?
Is she here too?
(End of this chapter)

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