The villain boss is my family

Chapter 622 I'm Sorry We Don't Date

Chapter 622 I'm Sorry We Don't Date (35)

If it is that woman, but what is her purpose?
Could it be that she came to find Mu Xie?

Thinking of the things that woman did, her face was very heavy.

She held her hand tightly, and it was because of that woman that she was imprisoned in the Land of Chaos for tens of thousands of years.

Her eyes flickered.

If it was really her, then she would definitely not let her go!
After Shi Jiu left, he saw Chen Yao not far away coming out of a hidden place.

She raised the corners of her lips slightly.

Sure enough it was her.

If she is here, will Mu Xie be here too?

Thinking of this possibility, she smiled triumphantly.

When she found out that the woman was missing, she started looking for her whereabouts.

She tore through time and space one after another, and after exhausting all kinds of hardships, she finally found this place. She didn't expect to find that woman this time.

After she sensed the faint breath of the fire unicorn that day, she caught up with this high-tech era.

I don't want the fire unicorn's breath to come from that human body.

Seeing her get to know this body.

So, she took the opportunity to borrow this human body, and the soul of this body was locked in a corner of her body.

After the contact just now, she can be sure that she is really that woman. Although she has changed her body, she will not recognize the aura on her body.

At this time, her cell phone rang.

The call is connected.

"Yaoyao, I will go to Qin's house with my father tomorrow weekend. I heard that Young Master Qin is ill. Let's go and have a look. By the way, let's get to know each other better."

She said "hmm", "Got it."

After hanging up the phone, she left.


After school, Shi Jiu was thinking about it in his heart.

She planned to go to Qin's house on the weekend. She heard from others that if he didn't come to school, his illness might have relapsed.

After getting along during this period of time, she didn't feel anything unusual about him, except that his face turned pale, and otherwise he acted like a normal person.

She pursed her lips, not knowing if it was serious or not.

She walked with her head down, when Chen Yao's voice suddenly came from behind, "Qiu Beixi."

Her expression froze slightly, and she looked back with a smile on her face, "What's the matter?"

The gaze in her eyes examined Chen Yao calmly.

The other party blushed slightly, "I... I happen to be alone, can I... can I walk with you?"

Shi Jiu was stunned for a while.

For a moment just now, it seemed that it was Chen Yao.

She nodded, "Okay."

Chen Yao's mind sank, she squeezed her hands and walked over.

The human just woke up, and she almost took the initiative away from her.

She looked at Shi Jiu with a smile, "Then let's go together!"

Shi Jiu glanced at her casually, and nodded in agreement.

The two left together.

After walking for a while, they came to a fork in the road.

Chen Yao smiled and waved, "Goodbye."

Shijiu nodded and watched her leave.

Huo Qilin's voice came, "That medicinal fragrance really came from this woman named Chen Yao."

"Ah! I remembered, I know who the owner of that smell is."

Shi Jiu said expressionlessly, "Shi Linglong."

Huo Qilin agreed, "Yes, it's her!"

It reacted and wondered, "Woman, so you know?"

Shi Jiu's expression turned cold, "Even if she turns into ashes, I will still recognize her Shi Linglong."

"But why did she appear here? Could it be...she has noticed the existence of the Demon Lord!"

She snorted coldly, "So what if you realize it, Mu Xie won't fall in love with her!"

She didn't look for this woman, but she sent it to her door herself.

The speechless Fire Qilin: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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