The villain boss is my family

Chapter 677: Chapter of the End Times to the Beginning

Chapter 677 Returning to the beginning of the end of the world (16)



A group of medical staff pushing unconscious patients kept yelling at the crowd for the green passage, "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

Suddenly, a small group of people quickly entered the operating room.

A doctor came to the operating room in a hurry after receiving the order. He checked and found that the patient's condition was very complicated. This aspect is not his specialty, and it needs excellent personnel in this field to perform the operation.

He frowned, "Where's Director Wang? This procedure can't be done without him. He is an authoritative expert in cardiac surgery, so he must be called here."

He glanced at the female nurse next to him, "Hurry up and find Director Wang! The patient can't wait!"

When the nurse heard what he said, he hurried out of the operating room and ran to Director Wang's office.

Finding that Director Wang was not in the office, she hurried out and asked the office next door. She said anxiously: "Doctor Chen, do you know where our director is? There is an operation here that requires him to be the chief surgeon." OK!"

When Dr. Chen heard that he was asking Director Wang next door, she explained to her: "You said Director Wang, he seemed to have gone to the freezer by himself before."

The female nurse nodded quickly, "Thank you, Dr. Chen!"

She hurried towards the freezer again!


Meanwhile, in the freezer.

Director Wang was checking the medicine he was looking for in the freezer.

The freezer was suddenly opened.

"Director Wang!"

Director Wang was startled by the sudden voice.

He bumped into a side shelf, on which a bottle was crumbling.


The bottle shattered and its contents scattered all over the place.

Director Wang glanced at the broken bottle for a moment, and didn't seem to think much, then he raised his head and looked at the person at the door, "What happened?"

"Director Wang, there is an operation that requires Director Wang to perform the operation!"

Director Wang didn't hesitate, quickly put down the medicine in his hand and walked out of the freezer.

When Director Wang left, his body was already stained with the contents of the bottle.


It's ten o'clock.

Chu family.

Chu Ming had already had people pull all kinds of live animals into the laboratory.

In order to prevent the situation from happening last time, he arranged a lot of people to wait outside the experiment.

After all the personnel in the laboratory were gone.

He looked up at his father, "Dad, are you really sure you want to do this?"

Did he forget the little white mouse last time?

Father Chu looked a little dignified, he frowned, and said unwillingly: "Didn't I tell you that, so much nonsense."

Then, his tone paused, "Besides, how will you know if you don't try it? What if it's really as guessed?"

He couldn't let go of any doubts.

Chu Ming raised his eyebrows, but did not refute him.

He shrugged indifferently, "Just don't regret it then."

Although he sent a lot of people to ensure their own personal safety, the lawsuit was just in case.

Father Chu glanced at him silently, "Then let's start now."

Chu Ming nodded.

not for a while.Father Chu injected the virus into the bodies of three different species of living animals.

Inside the cage was another live animal that had not been injected with the virus.

After the injection, Father Chu was waiting for the changes between them.

After a while, Father Chu discovered this time.The speed of change is still changing as quickly as last time.

The size becomes larger, ferocious and bloodthirsty.

Those living animals that were not injected with the virus were killed by the mutated living animals, and finally nibbled away.

Seeing that scene, Chu Ming was horrified, and cried out in his heart.

He hurried away from the side of the cage.

It's scary, it's exactly like in the movie.

Father Chu was shocked when he saw the mutated living animals about to rush out of the cage, "Quick! Kill them!"

Chu Ming hurriedly asked the people on standby outside to come in and shoot the mutated living animals.

The laboratory was suddenly filled with the smell of blood.

Father Chu frowned when he smelled the bloody smell, and the last living animal he watched said in a calm voice, "Continue."

Subsequently, only one live animal was injected in a super-large cage, and the virus was given in large doses.

The mutated animal quickly bit the nearby uninfected animal
Then, they saw the uninfected animal go mad and become brutal.

The eyes of Chu Ming, who was watching from the side, gradually enlarged, and he was very shocked.

His eyes fell on his father, "Dad, this... this, this, this..."


What did he just see!
This is actually contagious!
He didn't take the injected live animals he saw before, but after seeing the scene just now, he overturned his previous belief.

Father Chu watched the animals in the big cage mutate one by one, and his face became very serious, "Go and notify the government to intervene in this matter, if it spreads on a large scale, it will be too late, and there will be no more There's room for maneuver."

Chu Ming realized the seriousness of the matter, and he was not as loose as before, and his expression became dignified.

He nodded solemnly.

Afterwards, he glanced at the furious animals in the cage, and ordered the people present, "Get rid of them all."

The people present were actually so shocked by the scene they saw today that they couldn't express it in words, but due to their identities, they still managed to maintain their calm appearance.

They nodded calmly, "Yes."

Chu Ming saw that one of the people present was trembling with fright, and when he looked around, he saw that everyone's expressions seemed to be not in a good mood.

His eyes flickered, and his voice was cold: "Don't spread what you just saw, otherwise... I think you should know."

He lifted his foot and left the laboratory.

Finally, all the animal carcasses in the laboratory were cleaned out.

Father Chu stood there quietly with slightly calm eyes, not knowing what to think.


In the hospital at this time.

Director Wang's forehead was covered with sweat. He is now suturing the patient's wound. After the last suture was finished, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

A nurse finally reported the time of the operation, "One hour and 52 minutes."

After the sweat-wiping nurse wiped the sweat off Director Wang's head, Director Wang took off his bloody gloves and let out a long sigh of relief.

A nurse said admiringly: "Director Wang, the operation was a success, you are really amazing!"

Director Wang smiled modestly, "Everywhere, it is with your assistance that the operation can go so smoothly."

(End of this chapter)

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