The villain boss is my family

Chapter 678: Chapter of the End Times to the Beginning

Chapter 678 Returning to the beginning of the end of the world (17)

"Director Wang, don't be so modest, it's all thanks to you that the operation was so successful."

Director Wang smiled when he was praised so much.

Just when they were about to leave here.

Suddenly, something unexpected happened.

The patient who had undergone the operation was trembling all over, and the operating table also wobbled accordingly.

Director Wang looked puzzled, "What happened?"

Where did this nice sound come from?

The little nurse on the side shook her head, "I don't know."

Several medical staff near the operating table heard the movement and walked over to find that the facial expression of the patient who had been successfully operated was very distorted.

They looked not far away in shock, "Director Wang, the patient suddenly trembled violently, please see what's going on!"

None of them have seen such a situation.

Director Wang turned his head and saw the violently shaking operating table, he frowned and walked over.

When I saw the distorted expression of the patient, I was also taken aback, "This...what the hell is going on!"

His operation was obviously successful, why did it happen suddenly?

In his more than 30 years of medical practice, he has never seen a situation like this in so many surgeries.

The little nurse behind him asked puzzledly: "Director Wang, do you know why this happened like this?"

Director Wang shook his head.

As for why this happened, he himself couldn't explain what was going on.

The patient on the operating table suddenly sat up, and the connected instruments collapsed instantly.


A female nurse was frightened suddenly. She screamed and pointed at the patient, who turned pale in panic, "Director Wang, he, he, he... sat up by himself!"

The operation had just been successful, the anesthesia hadn't passed yet, and the person was still in a coma. It would take some time to recover, but now he can sit up by himself, which is too scary!

Is this a monster?
Director Wang was taken aback by the scene in front of him, thinking it was just an ordinary abnormal phenomenon.

He hurriedly ordered: "Quick, go up and press him down!"

"Yes, Director Wang!"

Several people went up and held down the patient.

At this time, the patient suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were dull, but full of vigor, and then he stretched out his hand and pushed those people away with all his strength.


Several people fell after being pushed away.

Director Wang shouted: "Quick!"

Several people stood up and went up to hold down the patient again.

The patient's facial expression had become very stiff, and his empty eyes looked terrifying.

With a loud growl, he reached out and grabbed a medical staff member and bit him down.


"Help! Help me!"

After a while, the medical staff was bitten to death.

Everyone at the scene screamed and fled in all directions.

The patient stumbled off the operating table and chased after them.

The little nurse standing behind Director Wang looked at the patient with a strange expression and stammered: "Wang Wang Wang... Director Wang, what's wrong with him!"

Why does it look so scary!
After a while, they saw another horrified scene. The medical staff who was bitten to death stood up again, and his appearance was exactly the same as that of the patient.

The little nurse was stuttering from fright, her legs seemed to be stared in place, she kept trembling, and she couldn't utter a whole sentence: "Wang...Director, you, look at Xiao Zhao...he He stood... stood... stood up..."

Director Wang was stunned at the moment.

This is scary!
Hearing the voice behind him, he quickly came back to his senses, "What are you still doing in a daze, run quickly, if you don't run, we will die!"

The little nurse suddenly realized, and ran towards the door.

The patient and Xiao Zhao killed the remaining few people, and after a while, all the people who hadn't escaped from the operation just now turned into zombies.

Director Wang ran all the way and was seen by Dr. Li who was passing by. He stretched out his hand to block his way and smiled, "Director Wang, what are you doing? Why are you so flustered?"

"At this time, shouldn't you be on the operating table?"

Is he done with surgery?

He stretched out his hand and patted Director Wang's shoulder, "It's amazing, you're fast!"

Director Wang squatted halfway, swallowing with difficulty, "Hurry... run! No... no time to explain, and... no matter how late it is, it will be too late."

He lifted his foot and continued running.

Doctor Li looked puzzled, and rubbed his chin, "Why is Director Wang so strange, he ran away without even taking off the surgical gown, does it feel a bit strange?"


A female patient who hopped on one foot while leaning on crutches was caught by the chasing zombies just as she walked near the intersection, and was bitten violently, blood splashed on the ground and the wall immediately.

Dr. Li looked at that scene and didn't know how to react.

He came back to his senses in an instant, "My God, what the hell is going on, how could such a thing appear!"

When he saw that weird person walking towards him, he finally understood why Director Wang had shown that expression just now.

Because it's really scary.

It's no wonder if you don't run away!
Without saying a word, he quickly turned around and ran towards the direction Director Wang ran just now.

A nurse who was making rounds had just come out with a medicine table when she saw that weird scene.


When the zombie saw her, it seemed as if it saw meat, and excitedly rushed over and bit the nurse who was making rounds.

When the people in the ward saw the nurse suddenly collapsed at the door, they looked puzzled, "What happened?"

In no time, they saw something he would never forget.

Three weird men in white coats rushed in and bit the patient in the nearest hospital bed.



The patients and their families in the ward were terrified and stood up and exclaimed loudly: "Oh my God! What is that!"

Afterwards, one after another, patients gradually turned into zombies.

There was a terrifying atmosphere in the ward.

A chubby middle-aged man swallowed his saliva, recalling that he had watched a super explosive zombie movie during this period of time.

He couldn't believe it: " it possible that he will become like him once he is bitten? This is exactly the same as the zombie movie in the movie. Run away!"

Soon, many people in the ward ran towards the door in fright, and some people with limited mobility died immediately under the jaws of the zombies.

The person who escaped from the ward shouted loudly: "Help, help, there are monsters and monsters!"

"Everyone run, the monster is coming!"

Hearing those terrified voices in other wards, he walked out of the ward curiously, was shocked after seeing that scene, and ran back to close the door.

Some patients who came back to the ward from the outside saw that scene and fled here in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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