The villain boss is my family

Chapter 691: Chapter of the End Times to the Beginning

Chapter 691 Returning to the beginning of the end of the world (30)

At this time, it was already 06:30, and the sky was already bright.

The runway of the airport has been controlled by armed men.

Those who hid inside the plane survived.

Chu Ming helped Chu's father get off the plane, and the people inside followed suit.

While Chu's father was running, he sprained his foot, and now his foot is swollen like a steamed bun.

Chu Ming supported him, and looked at him worriedly: "Dad, do you want to be checked by the doctor?"

This injury is not light, it looks a bit serious.

Father Chu shook his head, "This injury is not a problem. After a few days of cultivation, it will heal on its own."

Now that the outside is so dangerous, how can he recover from his injuries with peace of mind? He can still get over this injury.

Chu Ming was still worried, "But..."

Father Chu waved his hand, "It's nothing to worry about, just get some medicine and apply it yourself!"

Seeing how stubborn his father was, Chu Ming could only give up.


Suddenly there was a shout from the crowd.

Everyone looked over.

It was found that a gray-haired old woman was holding a middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man's face was not looking very good, and his body was trembling.

"Son! Son! What's wrong with you!"

Seeing that scene, Lu Chengran suddenly stopped, and then he rushed over.

The old woman looked flustered, a little overwhelmed, "Son, wake up! Wake up! Come and save my son!"

The armed men also rushed over, and they wanted to take the middle-aged man to the hospital.

Lu Chengran's voice came over, "Put it down, don't touch him!"

Several people looked over, and some didn't understand why he said that.

Lu Chengran looked carefully at the middle-aged man, and found that there were bite marks on his arm.

He frowned and explained: "He has a wound on his arm and has been infected with the zombie virus. He will mutate into a zombie later."

Frightened, several armed men hurried away a few meters away.

The old woman looked angry, thinking that he was talking nonsense: "How can my son become a zombie when he is young and full of nonsense!"

The middle-aged man roared in pain, his face gradually turning blue.

The old woman was anxious, she looked at the armed man standing beside her, "Don't listen to him! Take my son to the hospital!"

The middle-aged man trembled, his body became stiff, and finally opened his eyes instantly.

The old woman rejoiced, "Son, how are you!"

What she didn't know was that the middle-aged man had mutated into a zombie.

Seeing this, Lu Chengran stepped forward and quickly tore her away.

The old woman kept struggling: "Let me go! Let me go!"

Afterwards, the middle-aged man stood up and yelled at them ferociously, as if he looked like a zombie, no different.

Seeing him rushing over, the armed men quickly shot him dead.

Seeing her son dead, the old woman burst into tears and pointed at them, "You! You killed my son! Give my son back!"

Armed officers grabbed her to calm her down.

Seeing that scene, Lu Chengran turned and left expressionlessly.

Chu Ming, who was standing not far away, fell silent when he saw his appearance.


"Meow meow meow……"

Walking halfway, Lu Chengran heard the sound of a cat meowing. He raised his head and saw a small white figure running towards him.
Shi Jiu aimed at his arms and jumped up.

Lu Chengran reached out to catch her.

He patted her head, "Little boy..."

Shi Jiu looked up at him, "Meow meow..."

They are finally together again.

"Little boy, let's go."

Hearing the voice from above his head, Shi Jiu replied twice: "Meow meow..."


At this time, the time has passed the fourth day, and there are still six days before the end of the world.

It is seven o'clock in the morning and the sun is rising.

A ray of sun in the morning shone on the earth, and the sky was completely bright, and the zombies hid in the darkness, and the surviving people had time to breathe.

The city has been invaded by zombies in a terrible way. The government has sent troops to guard the places that have not been invaded by zombies, and set up a defensive line there.

In order to avoid the zombies, people carried their bags, got in the car and hurried to the next city without zombies.


Chu Ming got an off-road vehicle from nowhere.

He poked his head out and looked at Father Chu and Lu Chengran, "Hurry up and get in the car, let's get out of here first!"

inside the car.

Chu Ming turned on the radio to listen to the latest news at this time.

The car was still driving, and the news on the radio was one after another, and suddenly a news caught their attention.

"So far, the number of zombies has been increasing, causing heavy casualties...According to statistics, more than 60% of the people died at the hands of zombies... This city may soon be turned into a city that only belongs to zombies... ..."

When they heard this, their faces sank.

Chu Ming frowned: "This zombie spreads really fast. Are we humans going to end this time?"

Father Chu in the back seat said worriedly: "The virus was brought back from City A, I don't know what's going on there now."

After speaking, he lowered his eyes, with doubts in his eyes, where did he get those zombie viruses.

Lu Chengran pursed his lips, and said in a cold voice: "The situation should not be optimistic. When I sent someone to investigate in City A, I already felt that something was wrong..."

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became silent.

Chu Ming suddenly thought of something. He looked at Lu Chengran and raised his eyebrows, and made a gesture with his hand: "Your... what's going on with that."

It looks pretty awesome.

Lu Chengran touched the cat in his hand, and glanced at him lightly, "That's a supernatural power."

Chu Ming exclaimed: "Unusual...extraordinary power!"

Those he used were abilities!

This is exactly the same as in the movie!
When she was asleep, Shi Jiu was awakened by his voice, she raised her head and glanced at him unhappily.

It's so explosive, what does he want to do?
Seeing that she was awake, Lu Chengran reached out and patted her on the head, and then gently answered his question.

Father Chu at the back was confused.

What the hell are they talking about, what abilities?
They were saying things he couldn't understand.

Chu Ming blinked and looked at Lu Chengran pitifully, "Can you teach me?"

Ability just sounds great.

Shi Jiu raised his head and screamed twice.

"Meow meow meow……"

Fuck!Can you watch while driving, this is about to hit a tree!
Lu Chengran looked indifferent, and said expressionlessly: "Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, look at the car!"

Hearing that Chu Ming hurriedly turned his head and found that he almost hit a tree, he turned the steering wheel and stopped the car.

He couldn't help cursing: "Damn it! The car almost crashed!"

Before being bitten to death by zombies, he died in a car accident first.

Afterwards, Lu Chengran took out the seven-color bead.

Chu Ming was curious, "What is this, it looks pretty good."

"Ability tester."

Hearing that it was for this purpose, he quickly reached out and took it.

After a while the color of the beads stopped at blue.

Shi Jiu looked at him and raised his eyebrows.

Chu Ming looked at him, "It's blue, what kind of ability is this?"

Lu Chengran pursed his lips, "She didn't say anything."

Chu Ming: "..."

Shijiu: "..."


(End of this chapter)

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