The villain boss is my family

Chapter 692: Chapter of the End Times to the Beginning

Chapter 692 Returning to the beginning of the end of the world (31)

Chu Ming caught the unusual information in his words, and he raised his eyebrows and said gossipingly: "She? He is a man or is she a woman?"

He didn't think it was a big deal for a man, but it was interesting for a woman.

Unexpectedly, the dignified Young Master Lu would meet a female friend.

It was impossible for Lu Chengran not to know what was going on in his mind.

The two of them grew up together, only to wear the same pair of pants.

He glanced at Chu Ming lightly, "What does it matter to you? Is it so important whether it's a man or a woman?"

Chu Ming chuckled twice, "It's not important, of course it's not important."

See if he is nervous, it must be a woman!
He asked curiously: "Who is she? Why does she know about these things?"

Lu Chengran's expression froze slightly, he remembered what the woman said that day.

"She said she came from the end of the world... In order to save mankind, time was restarted... Everything started anew..."

Chu Ming suddenly exclaimed: "Fuck... the end of the world?"

Is that what he thought?
He nodded, "That's right."

Afterwards, Lu Chengran told them what happened.

This made Chu Ming feel a little unbelievable, he swallowed his saliva: "Are we human beings really going to perish?"

So they will all become the species of zombies?
Thinking of how he became like that, he couldn't help shivering.

He doesn't want to become a zombie.

Lu Chengran frowned, with a calm face, "According to what she said, it should be like this..."

Father Chu who was sitting in the back suddenly interrupted, "According to what you said, we still have... six days?"

Are they going to stop the zombie virus outbreak for the rest of the time?
Lu Chengran raised his eyes and responded softly.

Chu Ming swallowed his saliva, "Then...then we are going to..."

Who can tell him why the good world has become like this, into the zombie world that only appears in movies.

Is he dreaming and still awake?

Lu Chengran looked at the people who were busy fleeing outside, and he said slowly: "Save the world and prevent mankind from going to extinction."

Chu Ming suddenly felt that the burden on them was a lot heavier. He raised his hand and wiped his face, trying to calm down the shock in his heart.

He said slowly: "Since she knows these things, where did she go?"

Since she restarted time, she should tell them what to do, what to do?

Lu Chengran pursed his lips and shook his head, "I don't know where she went."

They just met twice.

Shi Jiu in Lu Chengran's arms had been listening to them talking about her, she squinted her eyes and meowed softly twice, then changed to a comfortable position and continued to listen to them.

Chu Ming thought about it in his heart, then looked at Lu Chengran, "Next time you meet her, you must find a way to keep her, it doesn't matter if you can't keep her."

Shi Jiu, who didn't care at first, raised his head to stare at him, and yelled twice in displeasure.

She herself is still here!

Be careful what you say!
"Hey, you stinky cat still has an opinion!"

Shi Jiu raised his head, "Meow meow..."

What's wrong with her opinion!
Afterwards, Chu Ming flicked her forehead cheaply.

Shi Jiu was in pain and beating him fiercely, "Meow—"

Seeing her appearance, Chu Ming was a little happy, "The stinky cat is here to hit me! Come on!"

Shi Jiu's face darkened, and seeing him looking for a fight, the whole cat threw itself on his head.


Scratch his face with both hands and feet.

Afterwards, Chu Ming let out a scream: "Ah - stinky cat! My face!"

He is going to be disfigured!
"Little boy, don't mess around!"

Lu Chengran's voice reached Shi Jiu's ears.

She turned her head and found that the man was looking at her with a heavy face.

Lu Chengran frowned, "Come here, sit down!"

She snorted coldly in her heart, and quickly jumped into the man's arms.

Chu Ming bared his teeth and screamed.

He quickly glanced at himself in the rearview mirror.

There are already quite a few cat scratch marks on the face, the long and short marks are very good-looking.

This stinky cat is too ruthless!

He looked at Lu Chengran with grievances, "You don't care about your cat! Is this what the anchor did!"

Lu Chengran looked at him calmly and touched the head of the cat in his arms, "Remember next time, don't bully the weak."

Shi Jiu squinted his eyes and meowed twice to show that he understood.

The gloating father of Chu: "You deserve it!"

Let him have nothing to bully small animals.

This time it will be punished!
Chu Ming: "..." My father was right.

Subsequently, the car left the place and drove elsewhere.


At eight o'clock in the morning, none of them had breakfast, and a group of them came to a breakfast shop on the side of the road.

Afterwards, the car stopped, Chu Ming looked at the steaming steamed buns in the shop, and smelled the aroma, drooling.

"It smells so good! I'm starving to death!"

"I went in first!"

Afterwards, he unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car, and walked straight into the breakfast shop.

Lu Chengran looked at the breakfast shop and frowned, there were almost no people here.

This is a breakfast restaurant that they have been looking for for a long time.

He patted the sleeping cat, "Little boy, we're here."

After sleeping all the way, Shijiu woke up and jumped out of the car when she smelled the fragrance.

So, Lu Chengran opened the car door and helped Father Chu get out of the car and walked in.

The shop is not big, but it is quite clean.

Chu Ming, who was already eating, saw them coming in, and waved quickly.

"Here here!"

They walked over and sat down, Chu Ming quickly pushed a plate over.

Father Chu snorted coldly, "You just patronize eating!"

Shi Jiu who followed behind jumped onto the chair beside him.

Looking at the warm acceptance on the table, she swallowed her saliva: "Meow meow..."

She wants to eat too!

Lu Chengran glanced at her, ordered another bowl of soy milk, picked up two buns on a plate, and brought them to her.

"No fish, make do."

Shi Jiu looked up at him, "Meow meow..."

It doesn't matter if there is fish or not, as long as there is something to eat, she is not picky about food.

After Chu Ming finished eating a bun, he poured a mouthful of soy milk into his mouth, "Where shall we go later?"

Lu Chengran took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun, and his movements were extremely graceful, as if what he ate was not steamed stuffed bun but another western meal.

He raised his eyes, "Go to City A, there is the origin of the zombie virus, we must go there."

Father Chu nodded, "I also agree with what Chengran said."

They have to go back there, find the root and destroy it.

After a while, a young man walked in from the outside and sat at the table next to them.

The young man said: "Boss, here are five buns and a bowl of soy milk."


After Shi Jiu finished eating, she raised her head and licked her lips. She was stunned for a moment when she saw the young man's appearance.

Is that her brother?
Huo Qilin opened his mouth to remind her: "Woman, he is indeed the elder brother of the original owner, and he is also your elder brother now, but he doesn't know your existence."

(End of this chapter)

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