The villain boss is my family

Chapter 798 The boss is scoring fine every day

Chapter 798 The boss is scoring fine every day (37)

Seeing the little guy's accusing gaze, Mu Xie frowned slightly.

This brat is quite courageous!

Seeing his father's face gradually sinking, the little guy shrank into Mother Lu's arms in fear, closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Mother Lu carried the child upstairs to look for Shijiu.

Mu Xie lowered her eyes, and couldn't help wondering, is he really that bad?
"Devil Lord, you have to be patient with the little master, not those rough-skinned and thick-skinned guys who beat and scold casually."

Huo Qilin's words made him silent for a while, and then he went upstairs.

When he came up, mother Lu happened to come out of the room.

Thinking of her precious grandson Shijiu crying in her arms just now, she glared at him, "Next time I scare my grandson, be careful and I will beat you!"

Mu Xie pursed her lips, the brat wouldn't sue Xiao Jiu, would he?

He pushed open the door and walked in.

At this time, Shi Jiu was hugging the little guy and softly coaxing him, and after falling asleep completely, he put him on the crib.

She looked at the man who walked in, stepped forward and pulled him to sit on the sofa outside.

Shi Jiu looked at him and questioned him in a bad tone, "What did you do to my son just now?"

Mu Xie: "..." Sure enough, I have filed a complaint, you itchy brat!
He explained without changing his face: "Xiao Jiu, I just accidentally yelled at him a little bit."

Shi Jiu was suspicious: "Is that really the case?"

Why is it different from what the little guy said?
Seeing her confusion, Mu Xie narrowed her eyes, "Is there anything else?"

This brat has even learned to sow discord!

Shi Jiu quickly waved his hand, "How come,"

Mu Xie didn't expose her, but just nodded.

He raised his eyes and looked at her: "I will change my attitude towards that brat."

Shi Jiu was taken aback for a moment, then hummed.

He can say that, it seems that he will really change.


Time passed quickly.

Under Lu's mother's screening, the little guy's name in the world is Lu Yanqing.

The final real name was taken by Mu Xie, whose full name is Mu Ye.

Mu Ye, who used to weigh a few catties and a couple of pounds, has already learned to walk.

At this time, Xiao Muye was crying and accusing the man not far away: "Mother, Daddy bullied me again!"

Mu Xie's face darkened.

The brat actually pissed on him!
Shi Jiu came over from the kitchen, seeing the little guy on the floor crying so heartbreakingly, his heart ached so badly

She reached out to hug him, and looked at the man who was sitting on the sofa as if nothing had happened, "What did you do?"

Mu Xie looked over expressionlessly and stared at Xiao Mu Ye meaningfully, "Xiao Jiu should first ask what this kid did?"

Not to mention pissing on him and slandering him!

Having said that, Xiao Muye immediately froze.

Would Daddy Smelly want to expose him for peeing his pants?
If his mother knew about his fame in that life, it would be ruined!
A man who wets the bed is the last thing anyone should know.

Xiao Mu Ye looked at Shi Jiu: "Mother, I'm fine, I was just teasing you!"

Shi Jiu frowned suddenly, and felt wet hands, "Why are your pants wet, did you piss your pants?"

Xiao Muye blushed, and shook her head in denial, "No! Mother was wrong!"

"Really? Then who pissed this?" Mu Xie pointed at his wet pants with a smile on his face.

Shi Jiu looked over and looked down at Mu Ye, "Ye'er, you..."

Little Mu Ye secretly glanced at Mu Xie over there, his face extremely terrified, he hugged Shi Jiu's leg in fright, "Mother, I was wrong! I won't dare next time! Please don't let the stinky daddy hit me butt!"

Seeing the little guy's appearance, Shi Jiu couldn't laugh or cry, and turned to look at Mu Xie: "Are you usually too strict with him?"

Mu Xie said slowly, "Xiao Jiu, I'm already trying to control my emotions."

Shi Jiu was taken aback for a moment.

Yeah, how could she forget, he really changed a lot for the little guy.

She knelt down and patted the little guy's head, "Ye'er, don't panic next time, or mother will get angry."

Xiao Muye nodded, "Mother, Ye'er knows she's wrong."

She patted his butt, "Go, apologize to your father."

The little guy pursed his lips and raised his head to look at Mu Xie: "I'm sorry, Daddy."

Mu Xie looked calm, and said slowly: "Daddy forgives you."

Shi Jiu looked at the helpless faces of the two father and son, she waved her hand, "Ye'er, your pants are wet, let's change them."

The little guy was immediately ashamed and angry, and hurriedly ran into the room.

Shi Jiu looked at the little guy walking away and smiled silently.

She stood up and looked at Mu Xie, "Hey, you should go change your clothes too."

"No hurry." Mu Xie raised her foot and walked over.

Before she could react, the man put his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear: "Xiao Jiu, you have been ignoring me for months."

A blush appeared on Shi Jiu's face, and the tips of her ears also turned red, "I hate it, be serious."


Xiao Muye waited for a long time but didn't see her mother coming, so she took off her pants first.

He took wet pants and came out with his buttocks bare, and immediately saw the scene that made him angry, "Stinky Daddy, let go of my mother!"

He tossed his pants angrily.

The veins on Mu Xie's forehead popped up when he was disturbed.

Get in the way at the critical moment!
Every time!

Shi Jiu turned around, looked at the little guy's funny face and let out a low laugh. He left Mu Xie's arms, "Well... I'm going to change Ye'er's pants, and you should change your clothes quickly."

She quickly carried the little guy back to the room.

Mu Xie was so depressed that she raised her hand to support her forehead.

What made him think about having a baby!
Xiao Jiu revolves around the brat every day.


At night.

After the little guy fell asleep, Shi Jiu walked out of the room.

A hand suddenly reached out behind her and hugged her.

Shi Jiu screamed in fright.

"Xiao Jiu, it's me."

Mu Xie's voice came over.

She immediately breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and scolded him: "Mu Xie, you almost scared me to death."

She patted the man's hand in her arms indifferently, "Okay, let me go."

Mu Xie hugged her hand even tighter, and he chuckled lightly, "Xiao Jiu, didn't you promise me tonight?"

Shi Jiu frowned, "I promised you... what?"

"This afternoon."

Thinking of what she said in the afternoon, she felt a little embarrassed.

But she doesn't seem to promise him, does she?
She said nervously: "Well... it's getting late, you go to bed early, you have to get up early tomorrow."

"Well, it's getting late, and I can just take advantage of the charming night to do something meaningful."

Without saying a word, Mu Xie picked her up by the waist, turned around and walked into the next room.


The moonlight is charming, and when the dry firewood meets the fire, it burns more and more vigorously.

(End of this chapter)

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