The villain boss is my family

Chapter 799 The boss is scoring fine every day [End]

Chapter 799 The boss is scoring fine every day (38) [End]

Day after day, year after year.

Mu Xie and Shi Jiu walked hand in hand for a lifetime.

Xiao Muye also grew up, and finally took over the Lu Group.

At this time, in a hospital ward.

A man who looked a bit like Mu Xie looked at the old man on the bed who was on a ventilator.

Shijiu's body was found to be in the terminal stage of cancer, and she was exhausted at this time, she raised her hand to touch Mu Ye's face with difficulty: "Ye'er, mother's mission is complete, mother is leaving, mother is going I'm looking for your father."

Mu Ye raised his deep eyes, and he pursed his lips, "You can go at ease, don't worry about me, the old man is already waiting for you, don't let him wait too long, as for me, once my life in the world is over, when the time comes I'll go find you."

Shi Jiu nodded, but felt a little bit reluctant, "Ye'er, mother still doesn't want to leave you."

She looked at him, as if she couldn't get enough of it.

Looking at the childish mother, Mu Ye's expression softened, and he reached out to touch her face, "Don't be self-willed, we still have to leave when it's time to leave, and it won't be too late for us to get together again."

His tone was rather helpless, "Father has been waiting for you for a long time, don't let him wait too long, and blame me later, and I will be the one who suffers."

A month ago, the old man left their mother and son first. Seeing his departure, the mother seemed to have made an appointment with him, and she was diagnosed with terminal cancer not long after.

Shi Jiulao blushed, "Then take good care of yourself here, remember to eat on time after mother is gone, and don't stay up late..."

"I'm no longer a three-year-old child. I know how to take care of myself. You can leave at ease."

"Okay, see you then, Ye'er."

Shi Jiu slowly closed his eyes, and the ECG monitor also slowly stopped beating.

With a smile on her face, she walked very peacefully.

Mu Ye looked at the person on the bed and smiled slightly, "Good luck, mother."


Shi Jiu opened her eyes again, and returned to the space. She in a fiery red dress slowly walked down the steps.

She stopped, raised her eyes and scanned around, "Huo Qilin, do you know where Mu Xie is?"

"I don't know, we lost contact at that time."

"Mission completed?"

Huo Qilin's voice was full of joy, "It was successfully completed. After the life of the human body of the Demon Lord ended, the Demon Lord was successfully resurrected."

Shi Jiu hooked his lips, with a smile on his face, "Let's go find him now."

She walked out of the space, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar environment, a long-lost feeling came to her heart.

She's back, back to the land once more.

Two messengers in white clothes suddenly appeared in front of them.

Shi Jiu's eyes were cold, "Get out of the way."

The two envoys sensed her hostility, and they hurriedly said, "It's like this, Emperor Yun knew that the goddess is back, and specially asked us to invite the goddess."

"He has something to do with me?"

"Emperor Yun didn't say that."

When Shi Jiu was about to refuse, a white-haired messenger showed embarrassment, "Goddess, if you don't go, we can't explain it to Emperor Yun... We are just here to spread the word... If Emperor Yun blames us... we My little life is gone..."

The two messengers looked at each other, bowed and bowed, "Please ask the goddess to go with us."

Shi Jiu frowned, everyone invited them to the door, and it was hard to refuse.

But how did Yun Mobai know that she was back.

This is too coincidental.

Forget it, for the sake of his helping her last time, she should go and have a look.

She raised her eyes, "Lead the way, I'll go with you."

(End of this chapter)

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