Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 119 He leaned over and looked like he was about to kiss her

Chapter 119 He leaned over and looked like he was about to kiss her
The girl can't see anyone, only the sound can be enjoyed, and Mo Xi's voice reached Ye Muan's ears, and he couldn't help but look at the girl whose eyes were covered by himself.

The skin is creamy, the lips are red and the teeth are white, and the body exudes a faint fragrance...

Ye Muan swallowed unconsciously, his whole body was not well, he felt that he was trying to die, his whole body was frightened, and for some reason, he let go of his hand.

Then, she met Mo Xi's clear eyes, which were black and bright, as if she could speak, with aura.

Ye Muan's eyes trembled, and he turned his gaze away reflexively. He felt that he had gone too far, and even peeked at her, thinking...

Facing her crystal clear eyes, he felt that he was really bad.

Seeing that he let go of himself, Mo Xi couldn't help being a little surprised, and told him to let go but he would not let go, but for some reason, he suddenly let go...

As if wanting to figure out what was going on, Mo Xi leaned over to see what was going on with him, but Ye Muan kept dodging, Mo Xi couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Holding his cheek in one hand, turning to face herself, Mo Xi frowned, staring at him deeply: "Why don't you look at me?"

How can you talk to her without looking at her?

Or was he not thinking of talking to her?
Mo Xi was very puzzled, not understanding what happened to him.

Ye Muan grabbed his hand in embarrassment, and didn't speak. The sharp-eyed Mo Xi noticed that his ears were red, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Seeing that Ye Muan didn't speak, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

This guy, who was so arrogant just now, is actually shy now?

Look, the ears are all red.

Mo Xi burst out laughing, and Ye Muan felt that she was laughing, so he couldn't help but become more shy, and finally became angry from embarrassment, and said angrily, "What are you laughing at! Don't laugh!"

Hearing this, Mo Xi not only didn't restrain himself, but laughed even more presumptuously, afraid that he wouldn't hear it, but if he did, she just wanted him to hear it.

Ye Muan: "..."

His complexion was very bad, and he was laughed at by his own woman...

This feels bad!

She can beat him and scold him, but she can't laugh at him!

For him, this is a disgrace!

Looking at Mo Xi who was leaning back and forth laughing, Ye Muan narrowed his eyes slightly, and then threw him directly on the sofa. At this moment, Mo Xi couldn't laugh anymore.

Looking at a certain man, she couldn't help feeling a little annoyed: "Ye Muan!"

What annoyed her was that she threw her on the sofa, and the two of them could be said to be tightly pressed together without any gaps. That feeling made her nervous, even at a loss, which made her feel a little annoyed .

And Ye Muan curled his lips, looking at a girl whose cheeks were slightly flushed, he suddenly felt that 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, he was embarrassed just now, but now, Mo Xi is embarrassed.

As if he had discovered something, he moved closer to Mo Xi, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth: "Well, I'm blushing..."

Suddenly, Mo Xi's face became even more serious. It was fine if he didn't say anything, but when he said it, she immediately felt very embarrassed.

His face became more rosy.

Ye Muan looked at the person he threw on the sofa with interest, he seemed to have discovered something terrible, it seemed that Mo Xi was afraid of this.

He leaned over and looked like he was about to kiss her.

Mo Xi's whole body was stiff, and he wished he could shrink into the sofa.

However, she couldn't move at all...

ps: I need to see how many people are watching, please raise your paw?
 ps: I need to see how many people are watching, please raise your paw?
  Thank you [camphor tree without flowers] for the reward, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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