Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 120 How dare you do it!

Chapter 120 How dare you do it!
Being pressed down by Ye Muan, she couldn't get up at all, naturally she couldn't move.

Mo Xi couldn't help but said, "What are you doing, get up quickly."

Hearing this, Ye Muan curled his lips into a smile, then moved closer to her, and said slowly, "I don't."

Mo Xi: "..."

Seeing Ye Muan's expression, the corners of Mo Xi's mouth twitched fiercely, feeling that Ye Muan in front of him was really bad, and he knew how to bully her!

She just stared at him without saying a word, and complained about his behavior at the moment with her eyes.

Ye Muan raised his eyebrows, and slightly got up to open the distance between the two of them, but he didn't get up and leave, he still stood on top of her.

Mo Xi: "..."

She sighed helplessly, knowing that Ye Muan did it on purpose, and she wasn't afraid of him, it just felt weird, after all, men and women are different, although they are husband and wife, they haven't touched that level...

After all, it is still very inconvenient.

"Ye Muan, I'll count to three, get up quickly."

Facing Shang Moxi's fierce eyes, Ye Muan couldn't help raising his eyebrows, oh, so fierce, but he is not afraid!

"Well, what are you going to do if I don't get up?"

He stared straight at her, looking very expectant.

Mo Xi: "..."

Facing Ye Muan's appearance like this, Mo Xi said that she has lost her way.

"Ye Muan..."

"Mo Xiaoxi, I really like you, I like you very much, I like you very much..."

Just when Mo Xi opened his mouth, Ye Muan suddenly pressed the tip of his nose against hers, and looking at her black eyes from such a close distance, he could clearly see that Mo Xi's pupils shrank a degree, Even the eyelashes trembled twice.

Ye Muan hooked his lips unconsciously, and the arc of the corner of his mouth inadvertently touched Mo Xi's lips, causing a tremor between the two of them, causing waves of ripples...

Mo Xi felt nervous for a while, he was so close that he could touch her when he spoke, and naturally he could touch her when she spoke, it could be said that they were touching her.

His sudden confession stunned Mo Xi. She just looked at him stupidly, not knowing how to react.

Seeing his woman showing such a silly look, Ye Muan couldn't help smiling: "Little fool, I'm very happy to hear you introduce me to Shen Sanming as your husband, very happy..."

Hearing this, Mo Xi's eyes flickered, so, he is...

Respond to her?

Ye Muan lowered her head, couldn't help rubbing against her, the intimacy was obvious.

Mo Xi pushed him away shyly: "Get up first..."


Mo Xi: "..."

What does acting like a baby mean?

The corner of Mo Xi's mouth twitched violently twice: "Ye Muan, I'm warning you, get up quickly."

Otherwise, she would really be welcome!
Mo Xi's tone sounded very vicious, and Ye Muan was not afraid of her, she just had a hard mouth and a soft heart, so she wouldn't do anything.

Just laughing, Ye Muan felt Mo Xi's legs moving, Ye Muan's expression changed, and he immediately supported her leg, seeing the leg she was about to raise, Ye Muan was afraid for a while, he stared at Mo Xi, ruthlessly Frowning: "Do you really dare to do it?"

In that kind of place, isn't she afraid that she will not be happy in the future? ? !
Hearing this, Mo Xi snorted twice, then ignored him, and looked at him with raised eyebrows, a provocative look was directly reflected in his eyes: "You can't afford it?"

 ps: Thanks for the reward from A-mxmy, okay~
  Remember to vote~
(End of this chapter)

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