Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 139 Counseling When You Should Counseling

Chapter 139 Counseling When You Should Counseling

It was unbelievable, and she was petrified.

That was the first time in her life that she saw...

Mu Cang——(It involves sensitive words, as long as you understand it.)
And, covered in blood... that person...


Mo Xi was a little drunk, she got up and went to the toilet, Ye Muan wanted to accompany her, but was stopped by Mo Xi, just kidding, it's okay to be hugged by him for so long for nothing.

She couldn't break free, and she didn't want to break free.

But how to say, you can't follow me to the toilet, right?
Throw him directly to Mo Sheng, let him watch and prevent Ye Muan from following.

Leaving Ye Muan and Mo Sheng looking at each other, Mo Sheng suddenly grinned and smiled at him.

Ye Muan: "..."

He couldn't help coughing twice, and looked away...

Mo Xi was humming a little tune, and was just about to turn a corner, but was startled by a black figure in front of her. That person was running staggeringly in black. If she hadn't braked in time, the two of them would have collided.

Her heart trembled, the person in front of her, judging from her size, should be a man, wearing black clothes, black pants and a black mask, she thought she saw Hei Wuchang...

Inadvertently meeting the man's gaze, Mo Xi frowned slightly. This man seemed a little familiar...

When that person caught Mo Xi's sight, he was obviously taken aback for a moment. Immediately, he turned around and was about to leave, but when he heard the footsteps of people hurrying over from the other side of the stairs, he stopped suddenly.

Mo Xi: "..."

Although she felt a little weird, why did she feel that the person in front of her had a wolf in front and a tiger in the back?
Suddenly, Mo Xi blinked her eyes, no, she is not a tigress!

Judging by his appearance, he is not a good person, Mo Xi thought, she didn't want to get into trouble, so she quickly raised her foot. However, just after she took two steps, someone grabbed her arm, and then led her to The women's restroom on the side!

Mo Xi's eyes, my dear, this can't be a human demon, right?

How dare you trespass in the women's restroom?
Before she had time to think about it, she had already been dragged into the bathroom. Just as she was about to yell, she felt something hard pressed against her waist.

She won't be so stupid as to think that this man is angry, that's only...

Mo Xi looked ahead and couldn't help swallowing.

Nima, she doesn't want to swallow her saliva in the bathroom, but there is no way!

She was blocked by a wooden warehouse, so she didn't dare to move around!
Growing up so big, seeing Mu Cang for the first time threatened her wealth and life!

Mo Xi was a little nervous, but he didn't hesitate: "Well, big brother, please let me go, I'm just a poor little girl passing by, suffocated by peeing! I have no grudge against you, don't kill me, thousand Don't kill me..."

Counseling when it's time to coax, Mo Xi still knows this truth.

She didn't want to lose her life.

Although her life is not very important, she still has to be saved!
She still has a lot of things to do!

As if he thought she was very funny, the person who held the wooden barn to lower her smiled unconsciously, without any awareness of the injury!

Mo Xi: "..."

In her heart, 1 muddy horses galloped by. At such a serious, tense and dangerous moment, this man can still laugh? ! !
No, no, no, it's full of danger...Only herself...

Mo Xi was about to cry, didn't he just want to go to the bathroom because he was suffocated by urine?
As for the wooden warehouse?

Is it wrong to hold back your urine? !

(End of this chapter)

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