Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 140 He Said: Help Me

Chapter 140 He said help me
Mo Xi pursed her lips and was about to cry. Why did this happen to her?

She just came to the bathroom!
The man behind him kept laughing, and Mo Xi's forehead was sweating: "Brother, shouldn't you be very nervous now? Why are you still smiling so vigorously?"

She gestured to the door with her eyes, what he saw, she could also see, the person in front of her should be being hunted down, but Mo Xi wanted to hit someone very much, so why not just chase him down? What brings her into this?
The man was wearing a black mask, with only a pair of eyes exposed. Hearing what she said, his eyes almost crooked with laughter.

Mo Xi: "..."

She has only one thought now, that is, this person must be a lunatic!
"Mo Xi, I didn't expect you to be so cute..."

While he was being hunted down, he unexpectedly ran into Mo Xi and heard a series of funny words from her.

He was happy to hear it.

Hearing her own name from a stranger for a while, Mo Xi was completely shocked. She opened her mouth slightly, her eyes were full of surprise, and she couldn't take her eyes off the man.

After a long time, she was suddenly in a fog. Just as she said "you are" two people, she was pulled over by the man and hid behind her, holding the wooden warehouse in her hand. She looked out defensively, pricked up her ears, and listened carefully. movement outside.

Seeing that he had finally removed the wooden warehouse and was no longer facing her, Mo Xi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She was about to break out in a cold sweat from the fright. Anyone who encountered such a thing would be scared, right?
She looked at the man's back and couldn't help frowning. He looked like a killer, and the killer would show his back without the slightest defense?

this person……

Mo Xi narrowed his eyes, and a figure gradually formed in his mind, which was exactly the same as the man in front of him...

He knew her name and was exactly like that person, he was...

Suddenly, the man turned around, and Mo Xi met his eyes. Although she knew who he was, his appearance, with blood all over his body and wooden warehouse, still made her a little scared after all.

She couldn't help swallowing, and when she was about to speak, her mouth was covered, and then she was about to enter the toilet in the single room.

Mo Xi's eyes widened. She wasn't ready to be in the same room with him, bah, in the same bathroom!


She struggled, and the next moment, she heard the man's serious words: "Don't move, be obedient."

Mo Xi: "..."

She doesn't want to be listened to!
Being dragged and pushed in by him, Mo Xi had no chance to fight back. Although this man was injured, he was still stronger than her. Looking at the tall man in front of him, Mo Xi frowned slightly. She suddenly felt that she was very petite.


As soon as she said a word, she heard the outside door being kicked open. Mo Xi's eyes trembled, and she saw the man stretching out his hand to his lips to make a shh gesture. She pursed her lips, but there was really no spoke.

Hearing that the toilets in the cubicles were opened one by one, both of them started sweating on their foreheads. If this continues, they will definitely be discovered...

Mo Xi frowned, thinking about what would happen if she was discovered...

Suddenly, the man leaned over, and Mo Xi immediately turned to look at him, with a strong defense in his eyes.

She saw the man pull down his mask, and saw his mouth move twice.

Afraid of being discovered, he didn't make a sound, but it was enough for her to understand.

He said: Help me.

Mo Xi touched her chin, completely forgetting the dangerous and exciting time at this moment, she thought to herself, it really is him...

 ps: This book... um... is really going to be scrapped...

(End of this chapter)

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