Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 141 If you are not my woman, you don't need to know that much, understand?

Chapter 141 If you are not my woman, you don't need to know that much, understand?
Seeing Mo Xi's calm appearance, the man's mouth twitched violently. At this moment, she wasn't afraid at all?
I don't know who was the cowardly one just now.

The footsteps near his ears were getting closer, and the man was getting more and more nervous, but Mo Xi didn't look nervous at all.

He was extremely helpless, and just as he was about to continue talking to her, he saw Mo Xi stretch out his hand and made an OK gesture. For some reason, he was somewhat relieved to see her like this.

The door of the next room was opened, and when they got to this door, everything was quiet, it was very scary, and suddenly, the door was knocked.

Mo Xi and the man looked at each other, Mo Xi nodded, took a deep breath, and suddenly shouted loudly: "Who! Didn't see my mother going to the toilet, don't you know the door is closed?? You don't have to knock so hard when you are in a hurry." The door? You are anxious and I am also anxious, I am smelly, and, isn't there a door next to it?"

As soon as she said these words, there was miraculously no movement outside the door...

Mo Xi glanced at the man triumphantly, raised his eyebrows at him, and looked embarrassed.


Although he put on the mask again just now, it can still be seen that his face is full of helplessness.

Mo Xi was chattering, but suddenly heard a voice: "Come out!"

Her heart skipped a beat, is this something to watch?
"Damn it, it's a man? A man entered the women's bathroom? Damn it, I want to call the police, there is a pervert here! Hey, is it a monster? I'm in the toilet of the Golden Age Hotel, and a pervert broke into the women's toilet here , come quickly!!!"


The person outside the door whispered, as if talking to the person beside him: "This is a woman, and she called the police, shall we go first?"



It finally became quiet outside the door. After a long time, there was no movement. Mo Xi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, scaring her to death.

She patted her chest, and then thought of the man: "Hey, I did you a favor."

"Well, thank you then."

"But I really didn't expect that you...would have... Mucang, and you were injured, why did those people chase you down?" Mo Xi's face was full of surprise, she had a lot of things she didn't understand need to know.

The man paused for a moment, then suddenly reached out and put his hand on her lips, looking straight at her: "If you're not my woman, you don't need to know so much, understand?"

Mo Xi: "..."

Seeing him open the door and leave, Mo Xi was dumbfounded from behind, so he didn't say anything.


Why are you teasing her?

Mo Xi's cheeks were flushed. She didn't know if it was because of embarrassment, or because the toilet cubicle was too hot. She just lifted her foot and was about to leave, but she suddenly realized that she came to use the toilet...

Immediately, she slammed the door shut.

When they returned to the box, Ye Muan came over and hugged her and walked towards the sofa with a dissatisfied expression on his face: "Where did you go? Why are you so slow?"

He thought Mo Xi had fallen into a pit and was going to go get her.

Mo Xi couldn't help smiling: "How fast can you go to the bathroom."

She laughed, and didn't want to tell them what happened in the toilet, she was afraid they would worry.

It's all right now, she doesn't want them to worry too.


She really didn't expect that that person would be him...

Seeing that Mo Xi was absent-minded, Ye Muan stretched out his hand and pinched her face, and Mo Xi felt the pain, so he stretched out his hand and hit her.

(End of this chapter)

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