Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 143 He likes people, not her body

Chapter 143 He likes people, not her body
Unexpectedly, Mo Xi actually hooked her lips and smiled, as if thinking of something extremely funny, her eyes fell behind him, and she said something meaningful: "No one else?"

Shen Sanming pursed his lips and met her eyes: "There is no one else."

Two people seem to be playing charades, no one else can understand, only two people can understand.

Ye Muan didn't like this feeling very much. He looked at Mo Xi and couldn't stop frowning. Mo Xiaoxi and this guy really had an indescribable feeling. When did she have such a good relationship with him? ?
Sitting together like this, talking calmly?
Even the content of the conversation is completely unknown to him...

Ye Muan pursed his lips, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

He doesn't like Mo Xiaoxi and other men like this, obviously... Shen Sanming cheated outside of marriage, and Mo Xiaoxi didn't like him very much, but now it seems that the two seem like good friends.

This kind of discovery gave Ye Muan a sense of crisis. This Shen Sanming is not easy to deal with...

He played with the ink-stained hair, looked at Shen Sanming leisurely, and couldn't help squinting.

Shen Sanming didn't mind Ye Muan staring at him, he only had Mo Xi in his eyes, who Ye Muan was and what he wanted to do, he was not interested in knowing, nor did he want to know.

Although Mo Xi said that she was married to Ye Muan, but even if they are married, they can get a divorce, right?
There are too many people who get married and divorced.

He finally became interested in a woman, so naturally he didn't want to give up.

Mo Xi and Ye Muan are together, it is indispensable...

However, he doesn't mind, what he likes is people, not her body.

He was only interested in Mo Xi.

Shen Sanming and Mo Xi looked at each other for a few seconds, and they suddenly laughed, laughing for no reason, except for the two of them, everyone else was in a daze...

Mo Xi didn't know why, but she suddenly seemed in a good mood, she even took Ye Muan's hand away, approached Shen Sanming proactively, sat beside him, picked up a glass of wine and handed it to him: "Can I drink it? "

"Beauty give me wine, of course." Shen Sanming readily took it.

The smile on the corner of Mo Xi's mouth was even bigger: "That's right, you still dare to drink, it seems that you are very lucky?"

"Just getting used to it."

Shen Sanming hooked his lips into a charming smile, while Mo Xi also smiled, the two of them clinked glasses and drank.

Seeing Mo Xi's appearance on the opposite side, Ye Mu'an's entire face was dark and dark, very gloomy.

Any woman who can't stand her abandons her hug to pass wine to other men!

Ye Mu'an couldn't help but clenched his hands by his legs, and stared straight at the two of them.

He wants to see how long these two people can talk about!
Mu Xunli on the side watched this scene and couldn't help backing away. She didn't notice that her whole body was already stuck in Mu Xunfeng's arms, and she whispered to her brother: "Oh, it's scary, look Ye Muan, at this moment, he looks like a Satan, no, no, no, like a devil from hell, that black face, so scary..."

She couldn't help but glanced at Mo Xi, and sighed in her heart, alas, why did you marry Ye Muan?

Suddenly, Ye Muan turned his head and looked straight at her.

Mu Xunli's heart skipped a beat, she silently lowered her head, and said in embarrassment, what are you doing!
Did he hear what she was thinking in her heart? !
(End of this chapter)

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