Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 144 It's Shameless!

Chapter 144 It's Shameless!
She shrinks and shrinks vigorously, wishing to be a shrinking turtle, no one can see her best.

Mu Xunfeng looked at the girl who was pushing hard into his arms, and couldn't help taking a deep breath. He felt that his whole body started from the heart, and his whole body began to tremble a little!

His girl, the body fragrance full of girl's fragrance rushed straight to the tip of his nose and passed through his whole body!
He slid his Adam's apple twice, then held her arm, tried hard to control himself and pulled her away from him, but wanted to pull her in, to get closer to him...

Two thoughts rushed into his head, and he was about to explode.

Mu Xunfeng frowned, bumped into Ye Muan head-on and looked at Mu Xunli fiercely, well, in his opinion, he looked fierce.

He stared back, how could he stare at his girl!

No one can!
Even Ye Muan, his best friend, can't do it!
Ye Muan received Mu Xunfeng's gaze, he snorted, turned his head away, and let Mu Xunli go for the time being.

His eyes drooped slightly. This woman, Mu Xunli, just thought that she would not be nice to Mo Xi and would not be able to give Mo Xi the happiness he wanted. However, how would she know what Mo Xi wanted?

He will do his best to give Mo Xi what she wants.

Mu Xunli couldn't help but patted her chest, Emma, ​​luckily she didn't keep staring at her, otherwise, she really couldn't bear it, she didn't know at all that Ye Muan was stared back by the person hugging her.

Ye Mu'an looked deeply at Mo Xi who was talking to Shen Sanming and ignored him, with that kind of look in his eyes, he just hoped that Mo Xi could see him, even a glance at him would be fine.

And Mo Xi... um... is too involved.

Suddenly, Mo Xi was kicked, she felt the pain, she couldn't help frowning, turned her head to look over, and met Mo Sheng winking at her with one glance.

Mo Xi: "..."

She was silent for a moment, then said, "Have you got sand in your eyes?"

Mo Sheng vomited blood, he wanted her to see Ye Muan!

Ye Muan kept staring at her and Shen Sanming, did my sister not feel it?
This brain, can't you turn around?

Mo Sheng was going to be so pissed off, it made him even more irritated than if his girlfriend didn't look at him.

Mo Xi followed his line of sight and glanced at Ye Muan. Seeing that his complexion was not very good, she couldn't help pursing her lips, and her eyes flickered. In fact, she noticed that Ye Muan had been staring at her, but now, I was more interested in Shen Sanming, so I ignored him.

She thought, she and Ye Muan met every day, looking back and talking, it was nothing, but Shen Sanming was different.

The scene in the toilet today really shocked her, but it was also full of thoughts of wanting to know more. She never expected that Shen Sanming would...

It would be like that, and she really wanted to know what he was doing, but...

There are too many people here, if she asks, Shen Sanming may not be able to tell, so I can only chat casually, but fortunately, she still knows a little bit...

Today, he escaped and was chased here, but he assured her that he is definitely not a bad person.

For some reason, Mo Xi couldn't help but believe him, well, she somehow believed that he was really not a bad person.

Shen Sanming met Ye Muan's gaze, couldn't help but curled his lips, and nodded at him.

Ye Muan looked away, snorted inwardly, and drew his wife's gaze away, he still has the face to smile at him?
It's so shameless!
(End of this chapter)

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