Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 150 I Want To Eat Her Up

Chapter 150 I Want To Eat Her Up

"Uh, that..." Ye Muan yelled at Mo Xi, who was a little dizzy and speechless.

Ye Muan was furious!
"Mo Xiaoxi! You have been looking at other men in front of me. I can bear it. Now, you are still looking at me so defensively. Am I so scary? Or do you not want to saw me??"

What he said made people feel very sad. Hearing this, Mo Xi felt as if she had done something terribly wrong. She looked at Ye Muan and hesitated to speak.

Finally, Ye Muan stopped, didn't say anything, just looked at her like this, Mo Xi waited for him to stop, and then took a deep breath: "Have you finished?"

"..." Ye Muan pursed his lips, staring at her stubbornly.

"I didn't keep staring at Shen Sanming, just because..."

"Because of what?"

Mo Xi: "..."

She glanced at Ye Muan quickly, and suddenly stopped, if she found out that Shen Sanming was the one who took the wooden warehouse in the toilet, would he continue to ask?

Then, there will be a bunch of questions to ask...

Mo Xi choked for breath, she couldn't speak.

Seeing her like this, Ye Muan frowned fiercely, what was he doing?
"Well, because of some things, I want to ask clearly. I'll be closer to him tonight, that's all." Mo Xi said seriously, almost raising his hand to swear.

When Ye Mu'an heard her words, he looked at her without saying a word, obviously disbelieving.

Mo Xi: "..."

She felt weird and embarrassed to be stared at by him like this.

"Believe it or not!"

She dropped this sentence in annoyance, got up and was about to leave, she had said everything that should be said, and there was nothing left to say.

Almost as soon as she got up, Ye Muan also got up, feeling the movement behind her, Mo Xi pursed her lips, couldn't hold it anymore, didn't she not listen, didn't she believe it?
Don't get up if you have the ability.

Mo Xi once thought that Ye Muan would not let her leave, and would definitely say something, I believe in you, don't leave, but...

She thought too much, things were not as simple as she imagined.

Seeing that Ye Muan directly hooked Mo Xi's waist, and hooked her back, Mo Xi cried out in surprise, the world was spinning, and before she could react, someone had already pinned her down on the bed.

Afterwards, a kiss that did not allow her to flinch followed.

Wrapped tightly around her, surrounded her——

Mo Xi's eyes widened in shock. Looking at the man who was close at hand, an inexplicable emotion suddenly emerged, and her eyelashes trembled twice involuntarily.

Ye Muan grabbed her lips, but he didn't want to let go. The strength of his kiss was as if he was about to part with her. He wanted to eat her up.

The strength was so amazing that Mo Xi couldn't break free at all.


Mo Xi clasped her hands between the two of them, trying to push him away, but Ye Muan turned her arms around her and turned into her...

He pressed her head tightly with one hand to him, and hugged her tightly with the other, no matter what, she couldn't break free.

Mo Xi couldn't stand being kissed by him, she was almost out of breath, so she quickly slapped him...

Ye Muan let go of her knowingly, but after only three seconds, he pressed her head again.

Mo Xi: "!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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