Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 151 I Knew To Take Advantage Of Her

Chapter 151 I Knew To Take Advantage Of Her
Another intimate kiss, Mo Xi thought, she was about to die, and became a person who died of lack of oxygen due to kissing!
That is simply No.1!
What a shame!

She wanted to push him away, but at this moment, Ye Muan's man's strength was beyond the limit, she couldn't move at all, and could only let him bully her.

"Well, let go... let go..."

That feeling, she even... wants more...

Under the light, Ye Muan saw Moxi with moist eyes and blushing face, his heart couldn't stop beating, he felt her trembling, he slowed down his movements, and gently touched her lips, as if to comfort her.

His tenderness made her feel it from the bottom of her heart.

Gradually, I stopped being afraid and trembling, and even started to respond slowly.

When she realized it, she was shocked!

She wanted to retreat, but found that Ye Muan didn't give her a chance at all!
Wherever she hides, Ye Muan can catch up to her...

"It can't be done, uh...Ye Muan..."

"Call me Brother Ye..."

Ye Muan finally let go of her, approached her ear, and whispered.

When Mo Xi heard this, he curled his lips, hum, bad guy!

Just know to take advantage of her!

However, she couldn't...

Shouted softly: "Brother Ye..."

"Good..." Ye Mu'an caressed her hair, his eyes were full of satisfaction, with a kiss, he was already satisfied, and when she called out Brother Ye, he found that his anger had disappeared.

Inexplicably, it disappeared.

Only Mo Xi has this ability, but letting him start a fire quickly can also make him extinguish it quickly.

Seeing the smile on his face, Mo Xi guessed that he was no longer angry, so she got up and went back to her room.

However, he was pulled and suppressed by him again.

The two stared at each other, Mo Xi: "..."

She looked at Ye Muan, feeling helpless: "Ye Muan, what are you doing?"

"I'm very angry today. You don't see me at all in your eyes."

"Who said that! I've been..."

Mo Xi almost bit her tongue and stopped suddenly, but Ye Muan squinted her eyes when she heard her words: "You have been... what?"

"..." She was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to do, so she could only look around, trying to get rid of the awkward atmosphere.

However, they didn't know that when Ye Muan saw her like this, he already knew what she meant.

Her eyes are erratic, she is more or less embarrassed, or guilty, thinking about what she just said, could it be...

She has been looking at him?

In her eyes, there is still him?

Eager to know if this is the case, Ye Muan leaned closer to her, with the tips of his noses lowered to each other's, and the two of them looked at each other: "Actually, you have been... looking at me, huh?"

There was a hint of a smile in his tone, as long as he thought of this possibility, he would be extremely excited!

Mo Xi was so embarrassed, she had paid attention to him, but she didn't keep looking at him!

 ps: That's it, more comments, more updates, okay, new week, please recommend tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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