Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 180 Don't let go, but get worse

Chapter 180 Don't let go, but get worse
"Hey, I've kidnapped you home, what are you afraid of, huh?" Ye Mu'an put his arms around her shoulders, and said naughtily close to her ear.

Mo Xi secretly rolled his eyes, glanced at him faintly, and then caught him by surprise, stretched out his elbow and directly punched him. Ye Muan didn't pay attention, and was hit by her, and immediately let out a muffled snort.

He clutched his chest, with a sad expression on his face: "You... you actually... called me just like that???"

He looked like I was very hurt, and Mo Xi couldn't help laughing. She coughed twice, raised her chin slightly, and said arrogantly: "Yes! You are the one who hit me, who made you mess up?" here?"

Hearing this, Ye Muan raised his eyebrows, his face full of grievances: "I was wronged, why did I mess around?"

Mo Xi puffed his cheeks, he kept hugging her, what is it if he hasn't messed up?
When she doesn't feel it?

She moved her body, and Ye Muan realized it now, but he didn't just let go, but smiled and hugged him tighter: "It's okay, I'm hugging my wife, why, can't it be okay?"

Mo Xi: "!!!"

This guy, if he doesn't let go, he will get worse!

She quickly looked around, but fortunately there was no one there, she whispered to him, "Don't call me wife!"

When Ye Muan heard this, he couldn't help being a little surprised. When he called her at home, she didn't react too much. What's going on now... Ye Muan frowned slightly, and his eyes fell on Mo Xi, as if he was thinking. What is the general.

Being stared at by him, Mo Xi couldn't help but feel a little hairy. He couldn't stop coughing lightly, and faltered: "What... what's wrong?"

Why do you keep looking at her?
"Why can't I call you wife?"

Ye Muan's voice was slightly aggrieved, and Mo Xi felt a little uncomfortable listening to it.

She uttered an uh, and said in a low voice, "Of course I'm afraid that your family members will find out!"

The members of the Ye family probably don't know that their precious son is married, right?
When she said it suddenly, she was afraid that the Ye family would not be able to accept it, and she was even more afraid that the Ye family would look down on her.

How embarrassing that is.

Mo Xi had a lot of worries, but Ye Muan didn't think too much. He heard that the person he cared about didn't want his family to know the identities of the two of them, and he immediately felt bad.

The complexion of the whole person is not very good-looking.

Ye Muan took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and asked through gritted teeth, "Why?"

His gaze fell directly on her face, he wanted to know, why can't the family members know? ?
Hearing this, Mo Xi paused for a moment, and just as he was about to speak, he heard a pleasantly surprised voice not far ahead: "Small! Are you back?"

Ye Muan and Mo Xi both turned their heads to look over, and saw a woman running downstairs, Mo Xi was a little surprised, for fear that she would accidentally fall down.

She was worried, and someone was even more worried. Ye Muan frowned, and quickly said sharply: "Stand still!"

The woman stopped immediately and looked at him aggrieved.

Ye Mu'an held his forehead, walked over and brought her down: "I didn't yell at you, I just wanted you to come down slowly, running downstairs, don't you know it's dangerous?"

"Okay, okay, next time I will pay attention, who told you not to come back once in 800 years?" Although the woman's words behind her were whispered, Mo Xi and Ye Mu'an still heard them.

The two of them looked at each other, Ye Muan couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, and reflexively said: "When I returned to China some time ago, I came back. How could it be as exaggerated as you said? 800 years? Why didn't you say 1000 years?"

(End of this chapter)

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