Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 181 Don't Misunderstand

Chapter 181 Don't Misunderstand
Before the woman opened her mouth to respond, she was about to speak when she was attracted by Mo Xi, who burst out laughing uncontrollably.

He noticed that two eyes had been looking at her.Mo Xi soon couldn't laugh anymore. She looked at the two of them stiffly, then suddenly grinned, and said quickly, "That... I didn't mean to, I didn't laugh at you, I just... just..."

The more she said it, the more something went wrong, so Mo Xi had no choice but to shut her mouth. She shouldn't have spoken. What are you talking about...

Ye Muan smiled and hugged her shoulders: "Okay, just laugh, I won't beat you, and I won't kick you out, what are you afraid of?"

Mo Xi: "..."

She looked at him dissatisfied, could she not speak?
Don't know she's embarrassing! !

Say a word less, will you die? !

Her attention was only on what he said, and she naturally forgot that Ye Muan was holding her shoulders at the moment.

The woman on the side looked at her son hugging the girl, her eyes lit up, she looked at the handsome man and beautiful woman in front of her, and thought to herself, it's really good...

The more the woman looked, the more satisfied she became, and the smile on her face became brighter and brighter.

From the corner of his eye, Ye Muan noticed that his mother was staring at the two of them at the moment, a smile subconsciously curled up at the corner of his mouth, he reached out and tapped Mo Xi's nose.

This kind of action is intimate like a man and a woman in love.

Now, mother should be able to see it?
He turned his head, and sure enough, he met his mother's smiling eyes, and Ye Muan also smiled at her.

Only Mo Xi was still stunned. Seeing the mother and son smiling at each other, she felt that she was superfluous, so embarrassing.

She coughed twice: "Well, I still have something to do..."

"Mom, is there any fruit? She likes oranges."

Ye Muan interrupted her directly with a word, which made Mo Xi couldn't help but turn her head to look at him. Does she like oranges?

Is that so?
"Yes, yes, Mrs. Wang, prepare some fruits, there are guests at home." Ye Muan's mother smiled and asked people to prepare something to eat.

Just as Mo Xi was about to say no, Ye Muan's mother pulled her over.

Mo Xi: "!!!"

"It's delicious, it's delicious, Auntie, your fruit is so sweet!"

Mo Xi ate happily. She was about to run away just now, but now she was eating fruit here with peace of mind.

"My name is Karen, you can just call me Aunt Karen." Karen looked at Mo Xi and couldn't help liking him. This child is so beautiful and cute. How good it matches their family, Ye Muan!
"Anzi, this is yours?" She raised eyebrows at Ye Muan, wanting to know if she was his girlfriend.

Hearing this, Ye Muan turned his head to look at Mo Xi, a smile couldn't be restrained from the corner of his mouth: "She, she is my girlfriend."

Just when he was about to talk about his wife, his foot was stepped on. Ye Muan changed his girlfriend in a 'very good way'.

Mo Xi: "!!!"

She was stunned, girlfriend, isn't it still very intimate? ?

Meeting Aunt Karen's gaze, Mo Xi hesitated, and quickly responded: "Then, that... no, Auntie, don't get me wrong, we, us... I'm just Ye Muan's female friend! Don't get me wrong! .”

Afraid she might misunderstand, Mo Xi just raised his hand and swore.

Karen gave an understanding, and nodded kindly: "It's okay, it's okay, Auntie understands everything."

Mo Xi blinked her eyes, why did she feel something was wrong?
(End of this chapter)

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