Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 196 Take off!

Chapter 196 Take off!
"What did you say?!"

Mo Xi's eyes widened. What did he just say?

Did she hear correctly? !
"Rock paper scissors, whoever loses will take off a piece of clothing." Ye Muan's serious face made Mo Xi hesitate to speak, and finally, she spoke: "Is it because you men like to play with this kind of thing?"


"You're still quibbling!"

"I just like playing with you." Ye Muan looked straight at her, and threw out a sentence that made Mo Xi's heart beat faster.

Looking at the man in front of her, she couldn't help coughing twice: "What, don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense. I just like playing with you. I've never played with other men or women."

"If you play with others, you will die!"

Mo Xi said viciously, she couldn't bear it when she heard Ye Muan talk about having sex with other men and women!
Seeing her appearance, Ye Muan suddenly laughed. His sudden smile made Mo Xi stunned for a moment, and then he gave him a displeased look: "What are you laughing at?"

"No, I'm just having fun. You don't like me playing with other men or women. It proves that you only want me to play with you, right?"

Hearing this, Mo Xi's face turned red, and he stuttered a little: "Say... what are you talking about!"

She snorted softly and turned her head away, as if ignoring him.

Ye Muan smiled and hugged him into his arms: "So, shall we play?"

Mo Xi: "..."

Meeting his shining eyes, Mo Xi felt a little regretful, can she stop playing with him?

The answer is no.

Ye Muan was ready: "Rock scissors..."


At the same time as he unleashed the cloth, Mo Xi unleashed the scissors.

I don't know why, but just now she had the feeling that Ye Muan was slow on purpose, the last piece of cloth seemed to be guiding her, and then she subconsciously pulled out the scissors, unexpectedly, she won...

Mo Xi looked at him shyly, and said domineeringly, "Take off!"

Contrary to her, Ye Muan shyly took off his shirt.

Suddenly, the corners of Mo Xi's mouth froze: "You...just one?"

She thought...

Well, she forgot that men don't need underwear.

Mo Xi was somewhat embarrassed, and she was a little embarrassed to face Ye Muan's Yuexie Yuetang in vain.

Ye Muan looked indifferent: "Of course I only have one."


Mo Xi won the first round, she shrugged and stretched out her hand: "Continue."


This round, Ye Muan made scissors, Mo Xi also made scissors, and later, Ye Muan still made scissors, and Mo Xi made rocks.


Mo Xi raised her eyebrows at him, her petite appearance was very awkward, sorry, she won again.

Ye Muan pursed his lips, and quickly took off his pants.

Now, it was very embarrassing, Mo Xi was afraid that if he won again, Ye Muan would have nothing left, and he was even more afraid that if he lost, he would take off...

"Last game, come on!"

Ye Muan spoke, and Mo Xi was too embarrassed to say nothing, she coughed twice, and said in a low voice, "Come... come on."


Ye Muan stone, Mo Xiaoxi cloth, stone against cloth, cloth wins.

Mo Xi: "..."

She smiled awkwardly, and waved her hand: "What, you don't have to take it off, you don't have to take it off anymore, you won't come, you won't come..."

 ps: Ask for votes, please comment, please love me, hahahahaha

(End of this chapter)

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