Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 197 I just messed up, so what can you do?

Chapter 197 I just messed up, so what can you do?
Mo Xi was so embarrassed, how did she know that she was so strong, winning three rounds in a row!

Well now, he only has one brief.

She couldn't get up anymore and told him to leave quickly, but Ye Muan didn't seem to want to leave: "It's so cold, get into bed and sleep."

As he said that, he really got into bed...

Mo Xi: "..."

Looking at a shameless man, she sighed helplessly.

Stretched out and kicked over: "Go back to your room."

Ye Muan looked at her for a moment, then suddenly hooked his hands at her: "Come here quickly."

Hearing this, Mo Xi raised his eyebrows and looked at him defensively: "What are you doing?"

"come here."

What he said made Mo Xi stunned for a moment. Immediately, she didn't think much, and passed by honestly. However, she didn't expect it. As soon as she approached, Liu was pulled over by him and bumped into him directly. he!

Ye Muan supported her, afraid that she would bump into him: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay!" Mo Xi said angrily. Does she seem to be okay? !

Ye Muan observed her for a long time, and then he was sure that she was really fine, so he was relieved, he hugged her tightly, not letting her get up: "Mo Xiaoxi, I'm sober now."

"Well, then what?"

Mo Xi frowned slightly. Of course she knew he was sober, but what did it matter to her?
Why did he tell her this?
"I just confessed to you, do you understand?"

Mo Xi: "..."

She looked at him in disbelief, he just... confessed to her?

When, why didn't she know? ! !
Mo Xi was shocked!
Seeing her like this, Ye Muan knew that Mo Xi didn't understand, his brows were furrowed, but she didn't understand? ?
"Mo Xiaoxi, are you a pig!" He reached out and poked her on the head, what's going on with this guy? ?

She didn't know such an obvious confession?

Mo Xi: "..."

He actually called her a pig? !

Mo Xi couldn't bear it any longer, so he rushed over and grabbed him by the neck: "You are the pig, and your whole family is a pig!"

"Well, you belong to my family too."

Ye Muan responded with a smile, which immediately made Mo Xi helpless, not to mention, what he said really made sense...

Immediately, Mo Xi fell silent, and before she could react, Ye Muan turned over and pinned her down, and the positions of the two were immediately switched.


Mo Xi's eyes widened. She just didn't react. Is it necessary? !

"Ye Muan, I warn you, you are not allowed to mess around!"

Hearing this, Ye Mu'an laughed: "Where did I mess up? Besides, if I mess up, what can you do? You are the other half of my book. If I mess up, we are protected by law. Don't worry." , not ****."

Mo Xi: "..."

Seeing that Ye Muan was about to kiss, Mo Xi yelled: "Well, you, you... didn't you say you confessed to me? Where? Why didn't I know?!!"

It's fine if she doesn't talk about it, but when it comes to it, Ye Muan becomes even more uncomfortable.

He looked at her faintly, and couldn't stop snorting softly. He looked very arrogant. Seeing him like this, Mo Xi was very helpless. Tell me, why are you so arrogant? ?
The two stared at each other, and neither of them spoke first. In the end, Ye Muan got off her body and left without saying a word.

Mo Xi: "..."

 ps: Ah, what about you people! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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