Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 203 Mo Xi Actually Saw That Scene

Chapter 203 Mo Xi Actually Saw That Scene

The two fell silent. One was that they had nothing to say, and the other was that they were afraid of being discovered by outsiders.

After a long time, everyone outside disappeared, and Mo Xi was pulled up by Shen Sanming: "Get up, everyone should be gone."

Seeing Shen Sanming as if he was at his own home, he walked over and sat down on the sofa, poured a glass of water, and looked up at her: "Sit down."

Mo Xi: "..."

The corners of her mouth twitched uncontrollably. Is this her home or his?
He looks more familiar than her.

Seeing him drinking a glass of water, Mo Xi said directly: "Why are you in this situation every time I see you?"

Shen Sanming smiled wryly after hearing the words: "I don't want to either, but this is my profession."

Mo Xi nodded, yes, an undercover policeman should be very dangerous.

Maybe it was Moxi's deep look that frightened Shen Sanming, Shen Sanming quickly said: "Don't worry, I won't let you get hurt, I'll leave right away..."

Seeing him getting up to leave, Mo Xi took a good look at him, and didn't see any wounds on his body, that is to say, this time, he was considered safe and uninjured.

"Okay, I didn't say anything, you should stay here, in case those people don't leave, if you go out, wouldn't you just run into each other directly?"

Shen Sanming was stunned by Mo Xi's words. He turned his head to look at the person sitting on the sofa, and couldn't stop saying, "Aren't you... not afraid?"

With his dangerous job, he usually has very few friends. He hardly ever thought that people who knew his job would still be friends with him. He thought that Mo Xi was afraid, but that didn't seem to be the case?
Mo Xi looked like she wasn't afraid at all...

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid? I didn't offend anyone. I'm honest. No one should trouble me. Well... yes, besides, you helped my best friend, so I naturally want to help you too. Yes."

Mo Xi's tone of uncertainty made Shen Sanming laugh involuntarily.

He looked at the girl in front of him, with tenderness in his eyes.

This girl is really different.

His vision is very good.

Shen Sanming walked over to sit down, and Mo Xi couldn't help leaning over and asked him how he helped Mu Xunli that time, and Shen Sanming told her verbatim.


"Awesome! I didn't expect that there would be an undercover agent by my side! I was looking at you, but that time, ahem, I saw you with a man... But, it's different now."

Mo Xi patted him on the shoulder, looking like two good brothers.

But Shen Sanming's whole person is not well, what do you mean he is not good?
Also, what saw him with the man?
Why is he confused?

Why does it always feel weird?

Shen Sanming couldn't figure it out: "What man?"

"Ah, that... oh, I didn't mean to peep! It's just that you were in bed with a man... erh, err, what." Mo Xi couldn't speak anymore, feeling so embarrassed.

Shen Sanming: "..."

He looked at Mo Xi for a moment, and said incredulously, "You mean... I'm in bed with a man?"


Shen Sanming was petrified, he didn't expect that Mo Xi saw that scene!
He thought it was...

"Mo Xi, you have to believe me, it's definitely not true!"

Shen Sanming has a serious face, but he can't ruin his reputation, especially in front of Mo Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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