Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 204 Shen Sanming is not only not gay, but also a hero!

Chapter 204 Shen Sanming is not only not gay, but also a hero!


Mo Xi looked surprised, what do you mean?
"What you saw that time should be me and my colleagues acting."



Mo Xi: "..."

She looked at Shen Sanming with a look of disbelief, but Shen Sanming coughed lightly and explained to her: "I am an undercover agent, and the enemy faction doesn't trust me very much. In order to prove that I am obsessed ... Indulging in entertainment can't be extricated, it is a waste, and it will not pose a threat to some of them, so I planned it with my colleagues. I know there are people at the door. I thought it was those people, but I just found out today... that person , it turned out to be you... No wonder I was exposed later."

Mo Xi: "..."

Is that so...

It's just a smoke bomb, not real?
"So, what I saw that day, were you guys acting? Are they all fake?"


Shen Sanming's serious face made Mo Xi a little embarrassed.

It turned out that she had thought too much, what she saw in front of her eyes was not necessarily true, it might be false...

She coughed twice, and then she reacted: "So, you thought I was those people, were still exposed later?"

"Well, it is."

"Then are you in danger in the future?"

Hearing this, Shen Sanming pursed his lips: "At first I thought I was dead, but now, I have someone to help, and you also know this person."

Hearing his words, Mo Xi was shocked. She knew him? ?


"Mu Xunfeng."

Mo Xi: ", have you cooperated?"



But the Mu family went undercover...

"I know what you're worried about, but what I want to say is that the Mu family is slowly cleaning up, and with my help, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

Mo Xi was dumbfounded, one set of another set, they are all intertwined!
"It's good that you all help each other out!"

Shen Sanming smiled: "So, don't think I'm gay, my sexual orientation is normal."

Hearing this, Mo Xi smiled embarrassedly, she reached out and scratched her little head, unexpectedly, she made a mistake.

Not only is Shen Sanming not gay, he is also a hero!

After helping the Mu brothers and sisters, her feeling for Shen Sanming is getting better and better!

"I didn't expect that there was such a misunderstanding between us." Shen Sanming shook his head, he couldn't believe it, no wonder Mo Xi ignored him, it turned out that due to her strictness, he was gay, and men...

Thinking about it himself, he felt a little chilly!
Mo Xi smiled: "Well, I'm sorry, I didn't expect that one day, we would sit together and even clear up the cause and effect of this matter, but that's good, at least we didn't have any misunderstandings Already!"

"Well, there is no misunderstanding."

Shen Sanming also laughed with her. Mo Xi has such a talent, but makes people laugh with her.

"Comrade Shen Sanming, hello, my name is Mo Xi! Can I be your friend?"

Mo Xi stretched out his hand, smiling at him with big eyes shining.

She's looking forward to befriending a cop!
Shen Sanming stared blankly at the woman in front of him, surprise flashed in his eyes, she never thought that Mo Xi would take the initiative to be his friend...

He couldn't help it anymore, grinned, and reached out to shake her hand.

Every time he shook hands with others in the future, he couldn't help thinking of this scene in his mind.

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(End of this chapter)

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