Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 215 Not bad, very sweet

Chapter 215 Not bad, very sweet

Mo Xi held his breath, didn't he want candy? !

Why did you eat her? ?

Bah, bah, why are you eating the candy in her mouth? !

That's right, Ye Muan directly swept the candy in her mouth, and smoothly turned the thing in her mouth into the thing in his mouth...

Ye Muan ate the candy, and then let go of her, looked at her and smiled softly: "Not bad, very sweet."

Hearing this, Mo Xi blushed unconsciously, why did she feel that Ye Muan was not talking about sugar?
His eyes kept looking into her eyes, as if he wanted to see her heart, Mo Xi subconsciously looked away, but Ye Muan held his face.

Just listen to him say: "Don't hide, it's very beautiful."


Mo Xi's expression became even worse. If there was a gap in the ground at this moment, she might be able to slip right in!

She felt that she had no face anymore, and Ye Muan really was, when did she become so talkative?
Speaking of her little heart thumping——

Mo Xi blushed, and casually took a candy to eat, she didn't notice this time, Ye Muan didn't take her candy away...

Ye Mu'an looked at the person in front of him, and couldn't help but curl his lips. He didn't let Mo Xi eat candy, but he couldn't stop wanting to taste it because he saw how sweet it was.

Well, just as he imagined, sweet, very sweet...

His eyes were on her lips, and there were bursts of smiles in his eyes.

Mo Xi, who was quite tired from running, no longer paid attention to running because of the few candies. On the way home, Mo Xi was a little puzzled: "Ye Muan, those candies, aren't they rewards?"

I always feel a little at a loss.

She ran for so long and was so tired, so I gave her a few candies!
A few candies are fine. Eating candy will make you gain fat. Then she just ran, isn't it a waste of time? ?

Mo Xi hummed twice in her heart, she was so sad, she looked at Ye Muan who was at the same level as her, and waited for his response.

But Ye Muan turned to look at her after hearing her question: "Why, what reward do you want?"

Mo Xi: "..."

She suddenly had a bitter face, didn't she?

Are those candies really rewards? ? ?

Ye Muan naturally noticed her sad little eyes. He looked at her expression and secretly smiled.

Mo Xi noticed it, and couldn't stop curling his lips: "Ye Mu'an, I'll tell you that you're going too far! You're still laughing. If you go out for a run in the future, I won't come."

After she finished speaking, she walked forward first, Ye Muan quickly followed, and directly held her little hand in his palm: "I lied to you, the reward is something else."

Hearing this, Mo Xi couldn't help looking at him, a smile flashed on the corner of his mouth: "Really?"

She acted like I'll beat you to death if you lie to me, which made Ye Mu'an very helpless.

Does he look like a liar?

Mo Xi looked up at him eagerly, expecting the reward he said, but Ye Mu'an directly possessed him, pressed a kiss on her lips, and said solemnly: "Okay."


Mo Xi blinked her eyes, and after a while she asked in disbelief, "What?"

what did he say?
All right?

Is this the reward he was talking about?

a kiss?

Mo Xi frowned slightly, he didn't play like this!

Ye Muan nodded to her affirmatively: "Yes, this is my reward for you."

Mo Xi: "..."

She looked at the man in front of her, hesitated to speak, she didn't know what to say, and finally dropped a sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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