Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 216 Fucked Her

Chapter 216 Fucked Her

"Go play by yourself! I don't want to run!"

It's fine if you just come to run and get tired to death, the reward is still his kiss, Mo Xi doesn't know what to say.

Ye Muan smiled: "Many people in our company are looking forward to my kiss, and you still look disgusted?"

"That's them!"

Mo Xi puffed her cheeks. She thought that there was really some fun reward, but she didn't expect it to be a kiss from Ye Muan, which she never thought of.

The reason why she was angry was because he had given her too much hope...

Seeing Mo Xi angrily walking at the front, Ye Muan frowned fiercely at the back, what's going on?

The first step back home, Ye Muan went back to his room. There was no way, Mo Xi went back to his room, and closed the door with a bang. He was smart enough not to bother, and went back to his room directly.

In the WeChat group, Ye Muan humbly asked for advice.

[Ye Muan loves Mo Xiaoxi the most: My girlfriend is angry, what should I do? ? 】

[Mo Sheng, the most handsome man: Is my sister angry?She doesn't like running, and if you are still pulling her, she will naturally be angry, but... are you really angry? 】

[Ye Muan loves Mo Xiaoxi the most: Of course it's true, otherwise I'd still come to ask you?wind? 】

Ye Muan rolled his eyes, and suddenly found that Mu Xunfeng didn't reply.

[Mo Sheng, the most handsome man: Wow, my sister is angry!Brother Ye, let me tell you, just say good things to her and give her a lot of fun and delicious food, my sister is the easiest to handle. 】

Ye Muan raised her eyebrows, this is a way, after all, Mo Xi is a foodie, when faced with delicious and fun things, she will definitely compromise.

Suddenly, Mu Xunfeng, who had been silent all this time, came out to speak.

【Li'er: Fucked her. 】

[The most handsome and beautiful man, Mo Sheng: Damn it, come on... I'm still here, Brother Feng, is it really okay for you to say this in front of me like this? !It's fine with others, that person is my sister! 】

[Li'er: Oh, could it be that the person who fell in love with your sister wasn't your brother Ye? 】

[The most handsome and beautiful man, Mo Sheng: ...]

Watching the conversation between the two people, Ye Muan pursed his lips, and directly quit WeChat, no matter what the two people said, he had a question in his mind, did he log on...?

Now this time?
Mo Xi hasn't opened up to him yet, it's not the time yet...

Now this time is definitely not a good time.

Ye Muan frowned slightly, it was really a headache.

For two days in a row, Ye Muan didn't talk to Mo Xi properly. First, she ignored him, and second, she was often away from home and often ran out.

He naturally knew where Mo Xi was going, but he didn't say anything.

Ye Muan also understood, Mo Xi might be really angry...

After giving Mu Xunfeng a call and saying that he would come over, Ye Muan made a special trip to the supermarket and bought a lot of delicious food just to feed a certain greedy cat.


Mo Xi is in Mu Xunli's room. Two girls are huddled together to watch TV. Both of them have flushed cheeks. On the TV, men and women are entangled and kissing, and the atmosphere is getting hotter...

Mo Xi and Mu Xunli looked at each other, and felt extremely embarrassed. Even if they were good friends, but they watched TV together, and they still saw this kind of thing, it was somewhat embarrassing...

Mo Xi coughed twice, his eyes wandering.

(End of this chapter)

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