Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 220 His Mo Xiaoxi Was So Active Today!

Chapter 220 His Mo Xiaoxi Was So Active Today!
Almost as soon as he carried her into the room, Mo Xi woke up slowly. Seeing her wake up, Ye Muan deliberately asked, "Did you smell the snacks?"

Hearing this, Mo Xi hummed, and his eyes touched the surroundings, only then did he realize that he had already arrived home.

As soon as she yawned, she was stunned by the scene behind her.

Ye Muan put her down.

Mo Xi walked to the bed and saw the two-meter-long bear on the bed and snacks all over the floor. She opened her mouth in shock. She was so surprised that she didn't know what to say.

She didn't expect that Ye Muan actually prepared a room full of delicious food!

Mo Xi turned his head to look at Ye Muan, his heart suddenly filled with emotion: "You..."

"Shh, it's all for you, do you like it?"

Ye Muan stretched out his index finger, pressed it against her lips, and said this affectionately.

Mo Xi couldn't help rushing over to hug him: "Ye Muan, I'm sorry..."

She felt that Ye Muan was giving her his whole world, while she was being willful...

She felt so bad for herself!

"Fool, why are you sorry? You didn't feel sorry for me." Ye Muan smiled and rubbed her head. She was not wrong, so why did you say sorry?
Hearing what he said, Mo Xi felt even more ashamed, so he hugged him vigorously, buried his face in his arms, and refused to come out.

Her actions made Ye Muan very helpless: "What's wrong? Huh?"

Mo Xi shook his head and did not speak.

Ye Muan was a little anxious, what's wrong with this guy?
He kept asking, but couldn't figure out why, and he felt uncomfortable, but when Mo Xi heard his patient questioning every sentence, tears filled his eyes uncontrollably, and he directly raised his head and blocked his lips.

He can no longer speak...

Ye Muan's face was full of surprise and shock, he didn't expect Mo Xi to kiss him on his own initiative.

He thought that Mo Xi would follow him back when he heard something interesting and delicious, but he never thought that Mo Xi would take the initiative to kiss him...

Ye Muan was in a mess, even a little trembling. The number of times Mo Xi took the initiative to kiss him was not many, it can be said to be quite cherished...

Mo Xi kissed for a long time, then suddenly opened her eyes, facing the dazed Ye Muan, she thought he would take the initiative instead...

But no, she has no idea what to do...

I only know to stick him, and then...then it's gone and then...

The two looked at each other, and there was silence for a while. Mo Xi suddenly felt very embarrassed, and stepped back directly, but Ye Muan suddenly reached out and pressed the back of her head.

The two people touched again, like sparks hitting the earth, directly hitting together.

"Hmm..." Mo Xi moaned, his waist was gripped so hard that it felt like it was about to break, but she didn't struggle, and even put her arms around his neck.

He has done a lot for her, and it is time to give him some benefits and let her do something for him...

Her actions undoubtedly did not make Ye Muan more excited!
His Mo Xiaoxi was so proactive today!
Is this a rainy day?

The two are even better than when they first started.

Ye Muan even thanked the joke, and even thanked Mo Xiaoxi for being angry, because after she calmed down her anger, it would be his sunny day...


After a kiss, both of them feel that a century has passed. That feeling, both of them are involved in it, is very touching.

(End of this chapter)

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