Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 221 Nothing, Just, I Like You

Chapter 221 Nothing, Just, I Like You
Ye Muan looked at Mo Xi, who suddenly threw himself into his arms shyly, and said in a muffled voice, "Don't look!"

"Why can't I watch it? My wife is pretty, why don't people watch it?"

Ye Muan was not happy with her not letting him watch, why couldn't his own wife watch?

Wife is for showing off!
The wife is for watching!

Mo Xi: "..."

Hearing Ye Muan's words, why is her heart full of joy?
She will be ashamed of it, but also moved by it.

Mo Xi hugged Ye Muan tightly, narrowing his eyes slightly, feeling at ease like never before.

She likes this kind of feeling, and she wishes to win the hearts of the one and never separate her head...

"Ye Muan... I seem to... really like you more and more..."


Her voice was too low, Ye Muan couldn't hear her clearly, so she couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, the corners of Mo Xi's mouth couldn't be restrained, and he shook his head vigorously: "'s nothing..."

It's nothing, it's just that I like you.

Knowing what was on his mind, Mo Xi couldn't help showing a smile on his face, feeling happier than winning the lottery.

"Ye Muan, you won't leave me, will you?" Suddenly, Mo Xi looked up at Ye Muan and asked directly.

Hearing this, Ye Muan couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "When did I ever leave you?"

"How dare you say that you left a few days ago?"

Hearing this, Ye Muan's eyes flashed with surprise: "I was on a business trip."

"I do not care!"

Mo Xi doesn't care, she only knows that Ye Muan left her some time ago!

Her appearance made Ye Muan stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't stop laughing: "Okay, whatever you say, I won't leave, even if I need to go on a business trip in the future, I'll take you with me, okay?"

He obeys his wife's orders in everything, and he does what his wife tells him to do.

When Mo Xi heard what he said, he burst out laughing: "Aren't you afraid that people outside will say that your wife is strict?"

"Afraid? Don't be afraid. Others don't know that I'm married." Ye Muan said quietly, and glanced at Mo Xi.

Hidden marriage, except for good friends, few people know about it.

Mo Xi coughed twice, his eyes flickered, and a smile was always on the corner of his mouth.

Well, that's true, not many people know.

She quickly changed the subject: "Will you really take me with you?"

"of course."

"Then others will know that there is a woman who is inseparable by your side, you...don't you worry that no woman is close to you?"

"Is this something you're worried about?"

Ye Muan's rhetorical question made Mo Xi stunned for a moment, and then she pushed Ye Muan out with a groan.


Mo Xi and Ye Muan reconciled, and Ye Muan was the happiest.

No, it's just chattering in the group.

[Ye Mu'an loves Mo Xiaoxi the most: My wife took the initiative to kiss me!We made up. 】

[The most handsome and beautiful man, Mo Sheng: Congratulations...]

[Li'er: So, you are so embarrassing with just one kiss?Aren't you husband and wife?Isn't it... eh? 】

Seeing Mu Xunfeng's words, Ye Muan couldn't help raising his eyebrows. It's good for this guy not to speak, but when he speaks, he hits the nail on the head!

He hasn't had sex with Mo Xi yet, what's wrong!
【Ye Muan loves Mo Xiaoxi the most: Oh, at least I'm much better than someone I haven't kissed yet, right? 】

【Li'er: How do you know I didn't kiss you? 】

[Mo Sheng, the most handsome man: Ah, I seem to have discovered something...]

Seeing this scene, Ye Muan suddenly smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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