Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 222 You don't need to do these things, I will do them

Chapter 222 You don't need to do these things, I will do them
Ye Mu'an looked at the line of words, and slightly curled his lips. To be honest, it's nothing. Only he knows whether he has kissed him or not...

Outsiders like them have nothing to pay attention to...

After chatting with a group of gay friends, Ye Muan calmed down.

Looking at the sunny weather outside, his mood also improved. The future is still very beautiful.

Because Mo Xi ate the food made by Ye Muan, she couldn't help but want to make a table of dishes for Ye Muan to taste, just to avoid making them so ugly and unpalatable, so she called Mo Sheng first——

Hearing that there was something to eat, Mo Sheng ran over happily.

But when he saw his sister wearing an apron, the smile froze on his face, as if he knew something...

Pressed down on the chair by Mo Xi forcibly, looking at the food on the table, Mo Sheng was extremely wronged: "Sister, how can you let the most handsome and handsome man be the one to taste the food! In case you spoil your stomach, You accompany me with a girlfriend?"

"Shouldn't it be to accompany you? Why is it a girlfriend?"

Mo Xi was puzzled, did he have other choices to accompany things?
But Mo Sheng looked serious: "You don't know that, do you? Because I don't have a girlfriend!"

Mo Xi: "..."

Looking at the lively boy in front of her, she wished she could just beat him to death with a spoon!


Not at all as stable as her!


She handed it directly to him.

Mo Sheng seemed to have encountered a problem in this life, and looked at his sister aggrievedly: "Can I not eat?"


"elder sister……"


"I eat!"

Like taking poison, Mo Sheng swallowed it with difficulty...

When Ye Muan came home, seeing the warm lights in the room, he also felt warm in his heart.

When you go out and work hard, when you come home, there is someone waiting for you.

He couldn't help but quicken his pace and directly pushed the door open.

What I saw was that Mo Xi and Mo Sheng were sitting at the table, and Mo Xi was talking to him seriously...

Ye Muan felt suspicious, walked over and asked, "What's the matter?"

The expressions of the two people were very strange, and he had to say it.

Mo Xi: "Nothing."

Mo Sheng: "I'm dying."

Ye Muan raised his eyebrows, his eyes swept over the two of them.

Mo Xi: "..."

She glanced at Mo Sheng viciously, what is this for!
Your sister's happiness is in your hands, so be careful!
Mo Sheng took a deep breath, he couldn't be calm, if he ate any more, he might really die...

Ye Muan looked at the two of them suspiciously. Mo Xi couldn't bear it, and finally said, "Okay, let me explain! I just... asked Mo Xiaosheng to come and try the dishes for me."


"That's right, didn't you cook a table of dishes with Mu Xunfeng last time? I also plan to cook a table of dishes for you, and then... I don't know if the dishes are good, so... let's start Here comes Mo Xiaosheng, let him be the test subject."

Hearing this, Ye Muan raised his eyebrows, and his eyes fell on Mo Sheng, and sure enough, he nodded fiercely, his small brows were slightly frowned, showing how wronged he was.

Ye Muan was silent for a moment, then walked over suddenly, took Mo Xi's little hand, looked carefully, and then said: "You don't need to do these, I will do these, you just need to sit and wait for your meal."

Mo Sheng who was silently eating dog food at the side: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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