Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 228 I Didn't Expect You To Retire The Engagement Today

Chapter 228 I Didn't Expect You To Retire The Engagement Today
This is simply flattening her worthless!
Since she is so bad and hot, why choose her?
Looks like she got cheap.

Mo Xi glanced at Shen Mo Ren, and couldn't help rolling his eyes, I don't care about your Shen family, okay? !
Mo Moren naturally noticed her appearance, and couldn't help frowning: "Look, look... oh..."

Before Mo Shengtian could speak, Mo Xiaoran hurried over to hold his arm: "Uncle Shen, don't be angry, my sister, that's the temper, don't get angry because of her."

Hearing this, Mo Xi snorted, and really didn't want to stay here any longer.

Mo Moren, on the other hand, looked at Mo Xiaoxi with satisfaction, and patted her little hand: "You're still good, you're not like your sister."

Mo Xiaoran lowered her head shyly.

"Although Mo Xi is not as good as Mo Xiaoran, that..."

"Who says Mo Xi can't compare to Mo Xiaoran? In my eyes, Mo Xi is much better than some people."

Suddenly a word interrupted him, Mo Mo Ren frowned fiercely,

Turning around, he saw his son appearing.

Before he could speak, Shen Sanming came in front of Mo Xi: "What's going on?"

"Oh, your father said that I'm too shameful, and he likes Mo Xiaoran more, but Mo Xiaoran has someone else he likes, so he reluctantly chooses me..."

Hearing what Mo Xi said, Shen Sanming was obviously stunned for a moment, then looked at his father, as if to prove whether what she said was true or false, he nodded silently.

Shen Sanming was silent for a while, and when Mo Xi was impatient and wanted to leave, he suddenly said, "Dad, I have no objection to your liking Mo Xiaoran, but you can't blame Mo Xi, I think Mo Xi is very nice."

The two people who heard his words separated quickly.

Mo Xiaoran was so embarrassed that she was touched by Mo Moren.

Mo Shengtian's expression on the side was not very good either, he gave his little daughter a hard look, it was too embarrassing.

Silently, Ren Ning raised her eyebrows: "Why, what do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is, Mo Xi is too kind. I'm not good enough for her. I'm here to retire today."


As soon as these words came out, everyone was surprised, and Mo Xi was also surprised.

"And... even if there is no Mo Xi, I will not marry Mo Xiaoran." He glanced at Mo Xiaoran, not caring how ugly her face was, he turned around and pulled Mo Xi away.


On the side of the road, Mo Xi praised Shen Sanming: "It's ok, you haven't even seen Mo Xiaoran's expression, like eating shit, it stinks!"

She was squeamish just now, but she was slapped in the face in a blink of an eye, Mo Xi thought, this time, Mo Xiaoran won't be slapping anymore, right?

She was very happy in her heart, her complexion was very good, and she was full of smiles. When Shen Sanming saw it, she couldn't stop laughing.

What he just said was serious.

Even without Mo Xi, he would not marry Mo Xiaoran.

Today, he is retiring the engagement, but his father doesn't know what he means...

"I didn't expect you to come to retire today."

"Yeah, after all, you are already married, so I can't get engaged to Air?" Shen Sanming joked.

Hearing this, Mo Xi burst out laughing, and she couldn't help but reached out and patted his shoulder: "Good job, you friend, I didn't get along with you!"

Shen Sanming just smiled and said nothing.

 ps: I heard that today is the weekend, hehehe...

  Robbery, ask for votes!

(End of this chapter)

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