Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 229 She Is His Good Medicine

Chapter 229 She Is His Good Medicine

After the two separated, Shen Sanming looked at his back and raised his lips slightly. She was already married, so what did he keep the engaged one for?
Naturally, it will be refunded.

Only by retreating can I approach her more openly...

Mo Xi hummed a little song and went back to the villa. Before Ye Muan came back, she just nestled on the sofa and watched TV alone. Feeling bored by herself, she picked up her phone and started reading novels...

As night fell, it was already dark before she knew it. Mo Xi raised her eyes inadvertently, and saw the dark weather outside. She put down her phone and was about to go to the bathroom when she heard the doorbell.

When the door opened, it was Ye Muan. Mo Xi couldn't help but hold his forehead: "Why do you ring the doorbell when you go back to your own home?"

"Well, I forgot to bring the key."

Ye Muan said so, Mo Xi shrugged, and let him in. Ye Muan put the briefcase aside, changed his shoes, and went in.

The key is lying safely in the bag...

As he was walking, his body was suddenly hugged from behind. Mo Xi was taken aback, then turned his head and pressed against his chest: "What are you doing, let go."

"give me a hug……"

Ye Mu'an closed his eyes, hugged him tightly to feel her presence, tired all day, as long as he hugged her, he felt a lot disappeared.

She is his medicine.

Mo Xi hesitated to speak, and was hugged by him for a long time, but...

After a while, she still couldn't help but talk, and discussed with him: "Ye Muan, I think you still need to let me go..."

Hearing this, Ye Muan was full of surprise: "Why?"

Mo Xi: "..."

She hesitated to speak, and seemed a little embarrassed to speak out.

In the end, he coughed twice, and said embarrassedly, "Well...I'm going to the toilet."


Ye Muan opened his mouth jokingly, so scared that Mo Xi couldn't help but look at him, only to see Ye Muan curled his lips into a smile, and then gently let go of her.

Mo Xi: "..."

She went to the bathroom, almost thinking that he was coming in too...

Good thing he was just joking.


She must be ashamed to death.


When Mo Xi came out, Ye Muan was taking a shower in the bathroom of his room, and he came out after a while, seeing Mo Xi eating on the sofa, Ye Muan's eyes flickered: "Mo Xiaoxi, you... why are you going home today? Is it? What happened?"

Hearing this, Mo Xi blinked her eyes, thought about it seriously, then shook her head: "Nothing important happened."

Ye Muan: "..."

He let out a groan, and didn't continue to ask. Instead, he changed the question: "Are you going to my company for fun?"

"No." She refused directly.


"I don't want to go, it must be boring."

"There is me."

Hearing this, Mo Xi blushed. What did he mean, wouldn't it be boring to have him?
She coughed twice: "I'm not going. You must take care of me when I go. I still don't go. You work hard."

Ye Muan shrugged and followed him.

The days passed day by day, people became more energetic day by day, the weather was fine, Mo Xi went shopping with Mu Xunli, the two of them were talking and laughing, but they never thought that they would run into each other in this kind of place...

Ye Muan, there is another woman...

It was Mu Xunli who saw Ye Muan first, her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly pulled Mo Xi: "Xi'er, I think there is one more thing I want to buy, come back with me and have a look..."

(End of this chapter)

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