Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 243 Are you going to fight?come!

Chapter 243 Are you going to fight?come!

Compared to her bewildered and nervous, Ye Muan seemed very calm.

He looked at the girl sitting obediently in front of him, couldn't help sighing softly, then bent down suddenly, facing her face to face.

His sudden movement made Mo Xi startled for a moment, and then looked at him stupidly, only to see Ye Muan stretch out his hand and pinch her cheek.

Mo Xi grunted and frowned slightly. This guy is really...

She reached out and took his big palm: "What are you doing!"

If you pinch her face for no reason, her face will also hurt, okay?

Ye Muan glanced at her: "Can't tell? I'm pinching you."


Mo Xi was annoyed for a while, he was provoking him like this!
She can't bear this kind of provocation!

Standing up suddenly, Mo Xi said arrogantly, "What's the matter, are you going to fight? Come on!"

She deliberately amplified her voice, in fact, she just wanted to divert his gaze and attention, so that he couldn't keep asking about the novel...

Mo Xi felt that if she kept asking this question, she would die of embarrassment.

Ye Muan narrowed his eyes: "Can you beat me?"

Mo Xi: "..."

She couldn't beat him. Looking at his physique, how could she beat him with such a weak body?

Thinking of it this way, Mo Xi couldn't help curling his lips, feeling so wronged.

Suddenly, as if she had thought of something, she suddenly laughed, and proudly said to him: "I don't care, although I can't beat you, but there is Aunt Karen! She said, if you bully me, Just let me tell her and she'll beat you!"

"I'm so old, do you think she will still hit me? Do you think it's too simple?"

Mo Xi: "..."

That being said... it seems to make sense...

She frowned involuntarily, feeling hopeless.

Seeing her tangled look, Ye Muan suddenly raised the corners of his mouth: "Besides, I didn't bully you, obviously you wanted to fight with me."


"And, if my mother finds out why we fight, you say, shame, who is it, huh?"

Mo Xi: "..."

She looked at Ye Muan in front of her, and looked at her sadly with her mouth curled up, it was too much!

"Ye Muan, you don't love my wife, I don't want to live with you!"

With a snap, she covered the computer, holding it as if she was about to run away.

Her behavior made Ye Muan raise his eyebrows involuntarily, wanting to run?
not so easy...

Ye Muan directly pulled her back: "Okay, stop making trouble, don't you just don't want me to see it? What are you hiding? I've seen it anyway, so you don't have to mind."

His words made Mo Xi's eyes widen.

It's better not to say what you said!

Facing her bright pupils, Ye Muan's heart moved, and a smile flashed in his eyes: "But you just randomly accused me of crimes, I'm not happy with that."

Hearing this, Mo Xi couldn't help but retort: ​​"When did I accuse you? Don't talk nonsense, okay?"

"Are you sure I'm talking nonsense? Who said I bullied you a minute ago? Huh?"

Ye Muan raised his eyebrows and looked at her. What he said just now, was forgotten in the next instant?

Her memory is not too good.

Mo Xi: "..."

Meeting his smiling gaze, Mo Xi frowned slightly. Just seems...probably...maybe...said?
Glancing at him secretly, and meeting his gaze, Mo Xi coughed lightly before refusing to admit it: "Nonsense! I didn't accuse you!"

 ps: Remember to vote, see you in the morning~~
  All of you!
(End of this chapter)

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