Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 244 Well, It's Not Convenient

Chapter 244 Well, It's Not Convenient
"Oh? Are you sure?" Ye Muan narrowed his eyes slightly. This little guy always misses what he says. He forgets what he said in a blink of an eye. This is not a good thing.

He looked straight at her, as if she would regret it if she said yes.

Mo Xi couldn't help swallowing, the atmosphere was too smiling, she didn't even dare to speak...

Without speaking, she just looked at him eagerly, blinking her eyes, as if I am very good, and I am the best.

Ye Muan: "..."

Meeting his gaze, Ye Muan sighed softly, stretched out his hand and flicked her forehead: "You!"


Mo Xi was in pain, and looked at him sadly with small eyes.

It hurts, okay?

Facing her aggrieved gaze, Ye Mu'an was so soft-hearted that he couldn't help raising his hand: "Let me see..."

Not to mention, it's really red...

But he didn't use any effort at all...

It can only be said that Mo Xi's skin is too tender, he just flicked her lightly, and her skin turned red.

Just when Mo Xi was about to say something, she saw Ye Muan approaching, blowing gently on her forehead, blowing away all her words, Mo Xi was completely dazed, and forgot what she wanted to say...

"Does it still hurt?" He touched her forehead pityingly, unable to hide the worry in his eyes.

Hearing this, Mo Xi came back to his senses, and quickly shook his head: "It doesn't hurt anymore..."

Even if it hurts, she will say it doesn't hurt.

Such a gentle Ye Muan, why did she go back and blame her?

Ye Muan raised his palm and rubbed her head: "Okay, we're even, huh?"

Mo Xi: "..."

She nodded lightly, okay, let's even it out.

Ye Mu'an knew about Mo Xi's writing a novel. She could write it if she wanted to, but she had to show Ye Muan to read it. Mo Xi was very upset about this, why did she show it to him first?

However, if she didn't show him, Ye Muan wouldn't give her the computer.

The hard-working Mo Xi is very helpless now, will she show him or not?

Here it is, what she wrote is a bit dirty, and I'm really a little embarrassed.

But don't give it to her, and he won't give her a computer. She has a brain and no computer, so there's nothing she can do.

She thought about it, and finally decided to show him——

In Ye Muan's bedroom, he looked at the article and suddenly asked, "Is this the middle? Or the end? Why is there no beginning?"

Mo Xi let out an uh, and said casually, "You can just watch this."

"I can't see anything else?"

"Well, it's not very convenient."

Mo Xi's eyes flickered, wouldn't it be enough for him to just look at it casually?

Why do you have to take a closer look?

Ye Muan put down the mouse in dissatisfaction, turned to look at her, and said seriously: "Mo Xiaoxi, what you wrote is about the two of us, why don't you show it to me? If you show it to me, I can still write it." Give you an idea, don't you think?"


"Just say whether you will show it to me."

Meeting his gaze, Mo Xi coughed lightly twice, and said slowly, "No."

Ye Muan: "..."

She said so much about her feelings, all for nothing?

She doesn't show him at all...

Ye Muan was silent for a moment, then suddenly looked at the computer, if she didn't show it to him, he would look for it himself.

Seeing that he stopped talking, Mo Xi was quite happy at first, but the next moment he saw that he was looking through her computer!
She trembled in fright!
(End of this chapter)

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