Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 264

Chapter 264

Mo Xi couldn't help blushing, it turned out to be like this...

Her yelling actually called Ye Muan over...

She couldn't stop coughing twice, she felt embarrassed.

Neither of them spoke, and there was a sudden silence, and an awkward atmosphere filled the two of them.

She bowed her head, and he bowed his head too.

She didn't see that his hand on the door panel had blue veins due to the force.

Ye Muan looked up at her, trying to calm himself down, and he took a deep breath: "Well... you're fine, I'll go back first."

Without waiting for her reaction, Ye Muan turned around and left.

Mo Xi's eyes widened, and he just left?
Finally came here? !

Seeing the closed door, she was furious, but she didn't want to chase it out, so she rushed to the bed suddenly, grabbed Big Bear, hehehehe, beat him, beat him!
poor bear...

After Mo Xi finished beating, she lay down on Big Bear's body. She couldn't help being irritable, irritable for no reason.

How did it become like this between two people?

If, if she didn't mind the lipstick on his collar, wouldn't it be like this?

But she minds!
She minds very much!

At this moment, Mo Xi fell silent and thought about it, only then did he realize that he already possessed Ye Muan!

She wanted to occupy him alone, and she didn't want to share him with other women at all.

She... likes him.

Mo Xi's eyes trembled slightly, and she couldn't stop stretching out her hand to caress the front of her body, feeling the heart beating violently because she wanted to understand.

It turned out that she liked Ye Muan to such an extent that she didn't want to share him with others.

She even hoped that his eyes and heart were all hers.

Mo Xi couldn't help covering her heart. Is her thinking too much?
However, she couldn't control it.

She just doesn't want to share her man with anyone else!

Mo Xi's eyes lit up in an instant.

Ye Muan is her man.

How could she be so happy with this statement?

She couldn't stop covering her mouth and giggling.

The whole person glows with the brilliance of love.

This is something she didn't have before.

She even thought about going out to find Ye Muan now, but as soon as she opened the door, she saw darkness, and the light in the living room was turned off...

She walked to the door of Ye Muan's room in the dark, and it could be seen from the lower gap that his room was also closed.

Mo Xi: "..."

She bit her lip lightly, trying to understand her heart with great difficulty, but this was the result...

Mo Xi stood at the door for a while, then felt a little anxious.

It's the same when I come to him tomorrow.

Thinking of this, she suddenly became happy again.

Turned around and went back to his room.

She will make it clear to Ye Muan tomorrow that she doesn't like him being with other women, since she is married to her, she must treat her well and not be half-hearted.

And she would... treat him well.


That night, Mo Xi went to bed very late. She was too excited and happy. It wasn't until the middle of the night that she felt a little sleepy, and then she gradually began to fall asleep.

However, not long after she closed her eyes and was about to go to sleep, she heard the sound of the door opening, and someone walked in...

Immediately, Mo Xi's alarm bell rang!
His fingers involuntarily grasped the quilt on his body, and his whole body became a little stiff.

She tried her best to stabilize herself, listening to the footsteps approaching step by step...

 ps: How many people want to eat meat, raise your claws~
(End of this chapter)

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