Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 265 Come, Kiss Me!

Chapter 265 Come, Kiss Me!

The voice moved from far to near, and someone could feel that someone stopped in front of her and was looking at her.

Mo Xi closed his eyes, and his whole body was tense.

Damn, there are no ghosts, are there?

Do ghosts make sounds when they walk?

She really didn't know, but today she saw it.

She thought to herself: You can't see me, you can't see me...


Suddenly hearing a sigh, Mo Xi was taken aback, her brows moved slightly, this familiar...

Seems to be……

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, her little heart was beating wildly.

She went to him and didn't respond, but she didn't expect that when she fell asleep, he would come to her...

All of Mo Xi's unhappiness before had disappeared just because Ye Mu'an came to see her in the middle of the night.

The corners of her mouth were even slightly raised.

Ye Muan had already gotten used to the darkness, seeing the corners of her lips curled up, he couldn't help but also laughed, and said in a low voice, "What did you dream about so happy... yes..."

He actually wanted to say, is there me?

However, he didn't say it, maybe he was thinking of deceiving himself, maybe he knew it, without him.

Ye Muan sat beside her, just looking at her like this.

Mo Xi was uncomfortable at first, but gradually, she fell asleep with him...

In a daze, she seemed to feel Ye Muan's kiss on her forehead.

At that time, she even wanted to say.

Come on, kiss me!

However, after all, they couldn't meet Zhou Gong's appointment, and went to play chess with him...

Mo Xi slept soundly and soundly, and when he woke up, there was a smile on his face.

In the morning, with a smile on her face, she looked full of vitality. She stretched out under the sun, raised her head and smiled towards the sun, full of collagen.

She opened the curtains to tidy herself up, then walked towards Ye Muan's room, her delicate face was full of smiles, her steps were very cheerful, she was about to go to the person in her heart, she was naturally very happy.

Mo Xi took a deep breath and knocked lightly on the door.

She waited happily for Ye Muan to come and open the door for her.


A few seconds passed with absolutely no response.

Mo Xi frowned, could it be that there is no one?
She pouted involuntarily, and knocked on the door again...

Still no response.

This situation made her instantly upset!

She finally made up her mind to have a good talk with Ye Muan.


He is not there!
Is this still avoiding her?
Mo Xi squinted her eyes, she couldn't believe it!

Where else can I go?
She snorted lightly, went back to her room, picked up her bag, and walked directly to the door.

Ye Muan, you wait for my old lady!

Ye Muan's company was there, and Mo Xi just hesitated for a few seconds before going in. The lady at the front desk stopped her: "Do you have an appointment?"

Hearing this, Mo Xi pursed her lips and said lightly, "No, I just came in to borrow the toilet."

The young lady at the front desk didn't seem to expect such a situation, and when she realized it, she diligently led her the way.

Mo Xi didn't expect that the front desk here would treat strangers with such affection.

She paid special attention to the name of the young lady at the front desk. The young lady at the front desk didn't know it at all. Just because she did a good deed unintentionally, she was promoted to the front desk supervisor by her superiors. Of course, this is a funeral.

Mo Xi went into the toilet, washed his hands casually in it, then pretended to be okay, and walked directly into the elevator beside him.

 ps: Just asking if you eat meat or not, there were so many people in the last chapter!
  I never knew there were so many of them!crying

(End of this chapter)

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