Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 266 This, this, this... This is too fierce...

Chapter 266 This, this, this... This is too fierce...

Mo Xi took the elevator directly to the [-]th floor. She remembered what Ye Muan said, he was on the [-]th floor...

There is only one room on the twentieth floor, and there is another place at the door of the room, but there is no one there.

After a quick look, Mo Xi's eyes finally fell on the door of the office.

Ye Muan, if you avoid me, then I can only come to you in person.

She walked straight over, but found a voice inside, she was suddenly glad that she didn't wear high heels today, otherwise, wouldn't it be a surprise?

Mo Xi couldn't stop rolling his eyes when he heard the delicate woman's voice inside, the smelly woman actually came to her husband's office!How dare you insult her husband's ears!

Just as he was about to open the door, Mo Xi's eyes flashed. Is it possible that Ye Muan defaulted?
Maybe he likes that woman that much?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help frowning, and quietly moved to the window.

The location is great to hear and see...

Mo Xi clearly saw that woman kept approaching Ye Muan, and kept making noises, but fortunately, her family, Ye Muan, was a gentleman and worked hard.

Seeing him like this, she couldn't help but curl her lips, and smiled softly, this kind of Ye Muan was the Ye Muan in her heart.

She leaned against the window and listened to the corner of the wall like this, but after listening to a few words, she couldn't bear it anymore...

Suddenly stood up straight, but did not see a man looking at her in shock: "You you you..."

Mo Xi met his gaze, stretched out his hand and hissed, motioning him to stop talking.

However, how could he not speak.

Just when he was about to speak, Mo Xi rushed over and stared at him fiercely: "Shut up, don't talk!"

Perhaps she was really a bit fierce, but the man really didn't speak, and looked at her stupidly, as if he was stunned...

Mo Xi: "..."

Seeing him like this, Mo Xi coughed lightly twice, his eyes flickering.

"No talking, do you hear me?"

Seeing the man nodding, Mo Xi let go of him, turned around and rushed directly to the office, and opened the door of the office.

Then it slammed shut again.

The man behind him looked shocked: "Oh my's too scary, this...this is too violent..."

He was Ye Muan's assistant, and he had seen the wallpaper on Ye Muan's phone, so he knew that this woman had a lot of background, so he didn't stop her.

It's just that he was shocked to see her, but he didn't expect that what she did would also shock him.


Suddenly a woman appeared, which surprised the two people in the office.

Seeing the astonishment on the faces of the two people, Mo Xi couldn't restrain himself recently, and rushed towards Ye Muan with a smile, and hugged him, which is called 'lock throat' for short.

"Husband, I 'miss' you so much, so I came to see you, do you miss me? I miss me! Kiss me, Trojan horse!"

Forcibly planting a kiss on Ye Muan's face, Mo Xi smiled in satisfaction.

She looked 'inadvertently' at the woman's hellish gaze, and she couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

Pretending to see her, he deliberately said, "Honey, who is this?"

Ye Muan was immersed in her crazy kiss, and upon hearing her words, he quickly responded: "An insignificant person."


When Mo Xi heard this, he let out an oh, looking very satisfied.

"I see, my husband."

Ugh, she was almost disgusted to death by herself.

Why isn't this woman leaving? ! !
 ps: Happy Christmas Eve, everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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