Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 275 Why Do You Look Like a Good Family Woman?

Chapter 275 Why Do You Look Like a Good Family Woman?

sorry to keep you waiting.

This time, you won't be allowed to run away alone.

I will walk with you.

The corners of Mo Xi's mouth curled up uncontrollably, and she hugged him and rubbed against his shoulder, like a kitten coquettish with its owner.

Ye Mu'an hugged her, full of joy, his Mo Xiaoxi said that he would walk with him after keeping him waiting for a long time...

He didn't think that it was true, all of this was true...

Ye Muan was about to explode with joy.


After waiting for so many days, he finally got his promise on this day.

He couldn't help but increase his strength in hugging her.

Try to take a deep breath, breathing the fragrance of her hair.

The two laughed unrestrainedly, and Mo Xi felt his mouth and small eyes blinking, very cute.

Ye Muan rubbed her nose, the two of them were very intimate.

"Kiss..." Mo Xi eagerly wanted to kiss, but Ye Muan felt embarrassed, he coughed twice: "This is the company."

"Are you scared? What's there to be afraid of? I'm not even afraid."

Mo Xi spoke solemnly, without taking his eyes off him for a moment.

She just wants to look at him.

Ye Muan was about to be tortured to death by her.

It's true that he wanted to kiss her, but she was more proactive than him!
The most important thing is that he is afraid that if someone comes in later, after all, there is that unreliable Assistant Wang, and Mo Sheng who is about to arrive...

"Ye Muan, you don't want to kiss me, do you? All right, then don't kiss me again!"

Mo Xi used her trump card, damn it, why is it so difficult for a man to kiss her?
Hearing this, Ye Muan directly kissed her without saying a word...

A sly look flashed in Mo Xi's eyes, wouldn't it be better if this was the case earlier?
Why are you acting like a decent woman?

In front of her, no need!

Mo Xi opened his mouth slightly and let him in, very proactive.

Ye Muan was so excited, Mo Xi was really too proactive.

He knew that Mo Xi was a person who could do whatever she wanted, who said that the wind was the wind, and the rain was the rain. Usually, eight cows would not be able to pull back what she decided.

If you don't like things, you will never touch them.

And in the fact that Mo Xi likes him, he has indeed seen results...

Mo Xi is serious...

Ye Muan couldn't help but gradually deepened the kiss.

Mo Xi closed her eyes, feeling his presence. She liked Ye Muan, and wanted to be with him and feel everything about him.

It is natural for men to love women, and she doesn't think there is anything wrong with it.

On the contrary, she was very interested in exploring with Ye Muan.


After the kiss, Ye Muan lowered Mo Xi's forehead, looked at her little mouth that was panting slightly because of the kiss, and his eyes became deeper.

His thumb moved up and rubbed gently.

Mo Xi felt his gaze, raised her eyes and met his gaze.

She was so frightened that she quickly shrank into his arms like a frightened rabbit.

Oh my god, his eyes... He almost treats her like food, he almost eats her!

It's just horrible.

Mo Xi couldn't stop swallowing.

"Why, you messed with me, and now you're hiding again?"

Ye Muan's smiling voice sounded in her ears, making Mo Xi blushed uncontrollably, and stuttered a little: "Say... what are you talking about! Why did you hide? Why did I hide?"

She puffed her cheeks, pretending to be calm, but in her heart she was terrified to death.

It's over, she provoked a wolf, and the wolf wants to eat the little rabbit!
 ps: Well, come out six cuties and go to the book review area to leave a comment, please make up a total of [-] people, hee hee hee, remember to vote!Continuous high energy~~~
(End of this chapter)

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