Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 276 It's all about old couples. Let's just know about falling in love

Chapter 276 It's all about old couples. Let's just know about falling in love

hum hum—

Mo Xi's little heart was pounding with fear, and he didn't dare to look at Ye Muan anymore.

Ye Muan seemed to be in a good mood, and patted her on the head lightly: "Okay, let's go down."

He asked her to get off his lap, but Mo Xi couldn't help frowning after hearing what he said, and looked at him pitifully: "You actually drove me down!"

Are you not afraid that if she goes down, she won't come up?

"Well, I'm afraid that I won't be able to control myself and want you..." Ye Muan approached her, and threw out such a sentence, which immediately made Mo Xi jump off his lap.

Mo Xi's eyes flickered, and he coughed twice: "Well, I'm not afraid of you, I... just my legs are numb, come down and walk..."

After saying that, she couldn't write any more.

How come there is a feeling that there is no silver 300 taels here?
Facing Ye Muan's smiling eyes, Mo Xi couldn't help coughing twice: "That..."

"How did you get here?" Ye Mu'an suddenly asked, and he suddenly remembered that the company usually does not allow outsiders to come in directly, and almost no one in the company knows about his relationship with Mo Xi. did she get in?
Speaking of this, Mo Xi was embarrassed.

"That... I wasn't allowed to come in at first, but I was so quick-witted that I came in to borrow a toilet. Then, your gentle and kind lady at the front desk let me in and took me to the toilet."

Mo Xi was happily talking about how he got in, but he didn't notice that the corner of Ye Muan's mouth was twitching fiercely. He looked at Mo Xi in front of him, he didn't know what to say.

quick wit...

Come in and borrow a toilet?

Even if he doesn't accept the wall, he will help Mo Xiaoxi!
Ye Muan looked at her dotingly: "Our front desk is so good?"

"Well, maybe it's because I'm good-looking." Mo Xi touched his chin, and said with a serious face.

Ye Muan: "..."

He took a deep breath, because he was defeated by Mo Xi's narcissism.

Seeing his helpless look, Mo Xi couldn't stop laughing.

Well, well, she also felt a little narcissistic.

"What is the name of the front desk, do you remember?"

Hearing Ye Muan's words, Mo Xi quickly approached him, nervously: "You don't want to trouble her, do you? Ye Muan, they took your wife to the bathroom, you shouldn't be thankful, but you still want to trouble her ? You are too bad! Sure enough, you just don’t love your wife! Is there still time for me to return the product?”

Ye Muan: "..."

He has black lines all over his head, what are they talking about? !

It just made him helpless.

He didn't seem to say anything, did he?

Why do you have to make trouble for others, why don't you love your wife?
Ye Muan expressed that he was wronged!
Mo Xi: "...what's wrong?"

Why do you keep looking at her?
She couldn't help reaching out and touching her cheek, it was so smooth.

"I didn't say I would trouble her. On the contrary, I would reward her. She took my beautiful wife to the bathroom, and then my wife could enter the elevator, and then my wife could fall in love with me. I should Thanks to her, aren't you?"

Ye Muan smiled and said to Mo Xi.

Mo Xi smiled embarrassingly: "It's the old couple's business, we just need to know about things like falling in love..."

Ye Muan smiled but said nothing, after learning the name from Mo Xi, he gave orders...

The young lady at the front desk was promoted to the front desk supervisor.

(End of this chapter)

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