Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 278 Where else did you pinch when you were young, huh?

Chapter 278 Where else did you pinch when you were young, huh?

Mo Sheng leaned over: "I know, that's all. There are no women in our position. We... wait, brother, do you have lipstick marks on your collar? Are you afraid that my sister may misunderstand? Sister Ah, I can assure you, just the two of us, no women, really no!"

Brother Ye is in trouble, so Mo Sheng naturally wants to help.

There are really no women!
Mo Xi glanced at him, she probably already knew what was going on, okay? !
Turning around to look at Ye Muan, Mo Xi looked pitiful: "Anzi, I'm sorry for you."

Become an object for others to vent their broken love.

Ye Muan: "..."

His face was dark, and he was almost killed by that woman!

It was almost torn apart!

Ye Muan swears that if he meets that woman, he will definitely scold her!
Mo Sheng was stupid on the side: "Hey? What do you guys know? Why don't I know anything? What's the situation?"

Why does it feel like he's the only one out of the situation?

Even though he explained everything, he didn't understand it himself, but the two people who listened to him understood it instead?

Mo Sheng was stunned.

And this kind of operation?

Mo Xi gave Mo Sheng a blank look, how could she have such a silly brother!
Still, it's cute!
She rushed over and pinched his cheek: "Ahhh, is this the legendary cute boy? Hahaha, I didn't expect him to be by my side!"

Seeing her like this, Ye Muan couldn't stop coughing lightly.

Mo Sheng, who was struggling, and Mo Xi, who was having fun, turned their heads to look at him.

Meeting Ye Muan's gaze, Mo Sheng couldn't help shivering: "Well... If it's okay, I'll leave first."

Saying that, he seemed to flee, and left in a hurry.

Mo Xi, on the other hand, watched him run, and muttered in a low voice: "Isn't it just pinching my face, I pinched my face when I was a child..."

As if thinking of something, she suddenly closed her mouth.

Ye Muan on the side narrowed his eyes slightly: "Why, where did you pinch when you were young, huh?"

Mo Xi: "..."

She coughed twice, her eyes flickered, she seemed to have said too much...

Ye Muan approached her, walked over to sit on the same sofa with her: "Tell me, where did you pinch when you were young, huh?"

His tone was gloomy, as if he already knew something.

Mo Xi was frightened: "That, that... what else can I pinch, of course it's... pinching my face!"

"Is there nothing else?"

Ye Muan's words made Mo Xi almost vomit blood.

Really dare to say anything!
Immediately, Mo Xi laughed.

Ye Muan narrowed his eyes, seeing that the storm was coming, but heard Mo Xi's words: "In addition to the face, there is also the butt. You touched Mo Sheng's butt when you were a child. You...wouldn't mind it? Hmm? After all, that When I was young, I didn't understand..."

Ye Muan: "..."

Meeting her mischievous gaze, Ye Muan sighed softly.

Really lost to her.

"I hope what you say is true."

Mo Xi quickly stretched out his hand and swore: "Of course what I said is true! If it's not true, let me..."

Ye Muan directly covered her mouth: "No need to swear, I believe you."

Hearing this, Mo Xi smiled, and directly and generously reached out for a hug.

Ye Muan smiled and hugged her into his arms, rubbing against her head.

It's all a matter of childhood, so naturally he won't mind.

 Hey, no one, ask for a ticket, good night, see you in the morning~
(End of this chapter)

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