Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 279 The world of three people

Chapter 279 A World of Two People
Mo Xi nestled in Ye Muan's arms, and couldn't help but want to ask a question: "Ye Muan, I want to know why Mo Sheng listens to you so much?"

Mo Sheng didn't really listen to what she said, but that kid Mo Sheng listened to what Ye Muan said.

Almost says what it says.

With Ye Muan and with him, it is simply a world and a world.

Mo Xi was very upset, how could there be such a big difference?
She couldn't help feeling a little puzzled, and raised her head to ask Ye Muan.

When Ye Muan heard what she said, he thought about it for a moment, and finally gave her a reasonable explanation: "I think, because I am a man, and I am his brother-in-law, so I can be regarded as a relative. I will listen to it, in fact, Mo Sheng also listens to your words very much."

Hearing this, Mo Xi shook his head in disapproval: "No, he doesn't listen to me."

That kid Mo Sheng is not as good as Ye Muan said.

Ye Muan smiled, and hugged her tightly: "You have to believe that Mo Sheng treats you very well."

Hearing this, the corners of Mo Xi's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

That's right, that kid Mo Sheng, although he's playing around, is very good to her.

Although he is not a real sibling, but it really made her feel that he is her real brother.

My dear brother, that's all there is to it, right?

She couldn't help but sigh.

"Mo Xiaoxi, I just spoke for you, should you give me a reward?"

Ye Muan was like Sony Ericsson's puppy, staring at Mo Xi eagerly, unable to move his gaze away.

And Mo Xi couldn't help but wanted to back away, but Ye Muan had already seen through his tricks and hugged her tightly, Mo Xi couldn't escape at all.

Mo Xi was very embarrassed, she raised her head and looked at her shyly, biting her lower lip slightly: "Let me go!"

"Don't let it go."


"You want to fall in love with me, I won't let you go."

Mo Xi: "!!!"

What does falling in love have to do with letting her go!
Ye Mu'an hugged her tightly, but didn't let go.

Mo Xi couldn't laugh or cry.


Assistant Wang at the door sat alone on the seat, and sighed one after another: "Why don't you come out? You won't be doing restricted-level things in there, right? Eh..."

He felt like the whole office was popping pink bubbles...


Mo Xi wanted to go home, but Ye Muan wouldn't let her leave, saying that there was still a little work to be done, and told her to wait for a while, and he would take her to a place just after finishing.

Suddenly, Mo Xi couldn't help wanting to know where it was.

She had some vague expectations.

After all, where will it be?

After finishing the work, Ye Muan took Mo Xi and left.

Seeing that there were still people working, Mo Xi couldn't help reaching out and poking Ye Muan's arm: "Hey, there are people still working, I don't think it's time to get off work, is it really okay for you to leave like this?"

"I'm the boss, who am I afraid of?"

Ye Muan looked at her, and said this in a domineering and willful way.

Mo Xi: "..."

She sighed softly, okay, you are the president, you have the final say.


When he came to the sixth floor of Golden Age, Mo Xi was in a daze.

Sitting on the table, she was even more dazed.

Everything around it shows that this is...a candlelight dinner...

The world of two people...

Ye Muan sat down in front of her, and the waiter went straight down after serving the food, very swiftly.

Mo Xi: "..."

She looked around and couldn't stop talking.

(End of this chapter)

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