Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 280 I...I eat you!

Chapter 280 I...I eat you!
"Um... what's going on with us?"

Hearing her words, Ye Muan suddenly laughed, as if he never thought that Mo Xi would ask such a question.

"What do you say?"

Mo Xi: "..."

"Today happens to be the 30th day of our license, let's celebrate."

"..." Mo Xi blinked his eyes twice, it turned out that it was the one-month anniversary of obtaining the certificate!


She coughed twice: "It's the first anniversary of their marriage, a few years, our... one month... will it..."

Would it be too embarrassing?
It's only been a month and you're celebrating?
Mo Xi thought it was really weird.

And Ye Muan has already poured red wine for her: "Actually, I want to celebrate every day."

Hearing this, Mo Xi choked, feeling that he still wants to celebrate the anniversary every day!
So, it's been a month?
Hmm... that's really not easy.

She smiled awkwardly, then picked up the red wine in front of her.

The right hand moved lightly, swaying slightly...

Charming red, bewitching red...

Ye Muan approached and toasted with her, and soon, the two of them drank a glass.

Ye Mu'an got up, thinking of Mo Xi walking over, Mo Xi could clearly feel his heart beating non-stop, the infection was very strong.

She looked at her prince, who was approaching her step by step, smiled and stretched out her palm, inviting her to dance...

Mo Xi stretched out his hand and gently put it on his hand.

Ye Muan smiled slightly, and pulled her up from the chair vigorously, hooked her waist with his left hand, and the two met each other's eyes in an instant.

They looked at each other, only each other in their eyes, nothing else.

Mo Xi pursed her lips and put her hand on her shoulder.

Both of them are sons and daughters of rich families, waltz is no problem...

Round and round, I don't know if it's because of drinking or circling, Mo Xi feels that he is really going to get drunk...

She leaned slightly on Ye Muan's shoulder, squinted her eyes and smiled.

The happiest thing in a person's life is to find the person he likes and the person who likes himself.

Although she, Mo Xi, has no parents, she is happy that she has a man who loves her, and she loves this man too.

This man is her husband, and he will walk with her until the end of time, gray hair.

Mo Xi slipped her hands down and hugged Ye Muan, listening to his heartbeat, she just felt that she was full of peace of mind.

The time spent with him is beautiful.

"Ye Muan..."


"I like you."

She pressed against his chest and said such a sentence.

Ye Muan's eyes flickered slightly, and he slightly tightened his grip on her.

He dropped a kiss on the top of her head extremely gently: "I like you too."

"I'm very glad that I like you, and you still like me." Mo Xi looked up at him.

Ye Muan lowered his eyes, and a smile flashed in his eyes: "It's me who should be thankful, I'm very lucky, while I like you, you also like me."

The two smiled at each other.

Mo Xi couldn't stop talking: "Ye Muan, I really want to just hug you like this..."

"Me too."

He also wanted to just keep holding her like this.

"Then are we conjoined twins? Hahaha..."

Mo Xi laughed heartily, this idea is very good!

Ye Muan pursed his lips, but smiled and said nothing, noticing that her cheeks were flushed, he couldn't help frowning: "What's wrong with you? Your face is so red?"

Hearing this, Mo Xi quickly shook his head, and looked at him with blushing cheeks: "Um...I...I eat you!"

 ps: Hey...

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(End of this chapter)

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