Mr. President, don't be cute!

Chapter 285 You put it on, but you still want to take it off, so just don't wear it at all

Chapter 285 You put it on, but you still want to take it off, so just don't wear it at all
Mo Xi refused to let him in, and even closed the door with tricks. Ye Muan was afraid of trapping her, so he let her close the door.

He felt helpless outside: "You don't want clothes anymore?"

"No, I'm not going out!"

She'll just stay in there.

In the end, Ye Muan compromised: "Here."


Mo Xi raised her eyebrows, really?
"Well, really."

"How can you lie to me?"


"I won't come to your room after you lie to me!"

After Mo Xi said this, there was no sound outside for a while, until she heard a sigh, and Ye Muan's voice came over: "Okay, here you are."

Hearing this, Mo Xi opened the door contentedly, and took the clothes Ye Muan handed her.


Why a men's shirt? ! !
Mo Xi searched for it several times before he was sure that there was really only one men's shirt!
Not even underwear!

"Ye Mu'an! I... you... just this one? Are you sure nothing is missing?!" Mo Xi yelled towards the outside.

Outside the door, Ye Muan's calm voice came: "Oh, what I think is, if you put it on and still want to take it off, it's better not to wear it at all."

Mo Xi: "!!!"

I can't believe that these words came from Ye Muan's mouth? !

Mo Xi took a deep breath, really angry.

"No, you have to get it for me, or I won't go out!"

"Oh, I'll come in then."

Hearing this, Mo Xi's eyes widened: "No way! Aww, Ye Muan, you are bullying!"

Outside the door, the corners of Ye Muan's mouth couldn't help but twitch, this guy is soft if he can't be hard.

However, as long as it is her, he will eat hard and soft.

There was no sound outside for a while, making Mo Xi think that Ye Muan was thinking seriously, but after a while, Ye Muan knocked on the door: "Here you are."

Mo Xi's eyes lit up, and he quickly stretched out his hand.


Mo Xi was very satisfied to finally have close-fitting clothes.

Although the shirt is a bit short and a bit sexy, it's better than no clothes.

As soon as the door opened, Mo Xi saw Ye Mu'an leaning against the wall. When he heard the voice, he turned his head in just a moment.

Seeing Mo Xi wearing his shirt, Ye Muan couldn't help curling his lips.

Go straight forward and hug the person horizontally.

He walked so fast that Mo Xi was a little stunned.

It seems that I really endured it for a long time...

She noticed that Ye Muan's hair was wet, and subconsciously asked, "Have you washed your hair?"

Hearing this, Ye Muan turned to look at her: "When you were taking a shower, I went to your room to take a shower too, it's best if it's clean, isn't it?"

He looked into her eyes and smiled softly, which almost charmed her eyes.

Mo Xi also smiled, and being pressed on the bed by him, Mo Xi stretched out his hand to support him: "Well, let me blow your hair for you?"

Hearing this, Ye Muan looked at her deeply: "I think this is a joke."

He's already like this, yet she still wants to blow-dry his hair?

No kidding, what is that for?

When Mo Xi heard this, he burst out laughing.

"I... um..."

As soon as she said a word, Ye Muan blocked her lips. His movements seemed a little anxious, even after taking a shower, it was still difficult to conceal his agitation.

Once agitated, it is difficult to calm down.

He has given her a lot of time.

He didn't want to give her time anymore, and of course, he didn't have time for her either.

 ps: I heard that the monthly tickets will be doubled tomorrow. If you have tickets, please remember to vote for "Cute Little Green Plum: The Bamboo Horse is Too Dark". See you in the early morning~
(End of this chapter)

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