Chapter 286 Pain

Mo Xi changed her aunt's towel and went straight to her bed. She was going to sleep.

When relatives come, she is very quiet, because her stomach hurts.

She really didn't want to move.

Hearing that the door was opened and Ye Muan came in, Mo Xi didn't even react much.

Ye Muan thought she was angry, so he walked over and sat in front of her, seeing her bad face, he couldn't help pursing his lips: "I didn't mean it, I just..."

"I know that anyone who does this will feel cheated."

"No, I just... I can't believe it, my luck is really bad."

Mo Xi raised her eyebrows and glanced at him. Seeing his annoyed look, she couldn't help coughing twice, and turned her head away so that he wouldn't see the smile on her mouth.

Actually, Ye Muan was really miserable.

She has read the novel, but the man has not, so she is very helpless.

Mo Xi's eyes flashed, and she patted her bed: "Sleep here."

Hearing this, Ye Muan's eyes lit up: "Are you taking the initiative to invite me?"

"You don't have to come if you don't want to." Mo Xi shrugged, ready to lie down and leave no room for him.

However, Ye Muan directly held her down, joking, how could he not be willing.

Whether he wants it or not, okay? !

He didn't even think that Mo Xi would take the initiative to let him sleep here, it was simply too unexpected.

With excitement and shock, Ye Muan lay down beside her firmly.

Before he could react, Mo Xi slid into his arms spontaneously.

Ye Muan's pupils trembled, he never thought that there would be such benefits...

He stretched out his hand and hugged him into his arms, the corners of his mouth curled up.

He inadvertently saw Mo Xi's slightly frowned brows with his lowered eyes, and he couldn't help but startled. Her complexion, it seemed, was not very good...

He actually found out now...

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Ye Mu'an hurriedly asked, afraid what happened to her.

Hearing his words, Mo Xi raised her eyes to look at him, and threw out a wronged word: "It hurts."

Hearing this, Ye Mu'an suddenly became nervous: "Are you injured?! Where?"

Mo Xi: "..."

She sighed helplessly, and hugged him tightly in his arms.

She didn't respond for a long time, and Ye Muan was dying of anxiety.

Feeling that he was moving, Mo Xi couldn't help frowning: "Ye Muan, can't you be more honest?!"

"I want to see where you are hurt..."

She looked at him for a moment, then took his hand and pressed it against her stomach: "Here..."

Ye Muan was stunned for a moment, then he seemed to understand something, and stopped talking immediately.

It felt so good to be quiet, Mo Xi couldn't help but curled her lips and rubbed against his arms.

Not to mention, his embrace is really quite warm.

Ye Muan looked at her frowning all the time, and couldn't help but ask, "Do you want me to rub it for you?"

Hearing this, Mo Xi immediately opened his eyes and rubbed them?
Meeting his sincere gaze, Mo Xi coughed twice, his eyes flickered, and his cheeks glowed red: " go and turn off the light."


Ye Muan was surprised and rubbed her stomach, why did he turn off the light?
Hearing his words, Mo Xi's cheeks became even redder, this guy...

Don't you know girls are shy? !

"going to sleep!"

Ye Mu'an thought she refused and didn't want him to help rub it, so he obediently went down and turned off the light, but didn't want Mo Xi to speak when he came back to lie down.

"Didn't you rub it for me? Why don't you move?"

(End of this chapter)

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