The host, she slag the whole book villain

Chapter 101 The host is a monk

Chapter 101 The host is a monk (28)

"Doctor Xu, this is based on the drawing of the little widow Liu Yingying. According to Liu Yingying's account, the person who has hooked up with the snake demon is wearing this bracelet. You should pay more attention to us recently. If you see this kind of bracelet, the second If there are around ten girls, hurry up and let us know, that might be the snake demon!"

As the policeman said, he casually grabbed a passing girl, grabbed her wrist, saw that there was no such bracelet, took out a handful of realgar powder and sprinkled it, and then let her go after seeing nothing unusual.

Xu Xian only felt that the bracelet was very familiar, and wished he had seen it somewhere before.

"Officer, the food is ready, hurry up and eat."

In the pharmacy, seeing him standing at the door looking thoughtful, White Snake stepped forward and patted his shoulder, smiling gently.

Xu Xian said oh, forget it, let it go if you can't remember it, and then went to the backyard for dinner with the white snake.

During the meal, the White Snake suddenly felt nauseous and retched. Xu Xian was worried, so he quickly took his pulse, as if he couldn't believe it, he took his pulse several times in a row, and finally his eyebrows were raised happily:

"My lady, you are pregnant. Oh, it's because my husband has been negligent these days. I just thought it was the smell of realgar that made my lady lose her appetite!"

The White Snake was stunned, somewhat unable to understand what his mouth was opening and closing.

What pregnancy?
and many more!

She... she's pregnant?


Seeing that she was a little dumbfounded, Xu Xian only thought it was funny, but he was still excited. He held her hand, huh?
As if touching a bracelet, Xu Xian suddenly remembered what the two policemen said earlier, subconsciously lowered his head to look, his pupils shrank slightly, and it was exactly the same as what those two policemen had drawn on their paper, red and white, crystal clear.

"Doctor Xu, this is based on the drawing of the little widow Liu Yingying. It is said that the person who hooked up with the snake demon was wearing this bracelet. You should pay more attention to us recently. year-old woman...that might be the snake demon"

Almost instantly, he broke out in a cold sweat.

He must have misread it. Although this kind of bracelet is rare, there is more than one. Xu Xian tried his best to comfort himself in his heart.

But for some reason, all kinds of things from the past flashed through my mind at this moment.

—Lady, it's time to drink a cup of wine.

—Officer, I have been weak since I was a child, and I can't handle alcohol, so I can only use tea instead of wine.

—Officer, what are you doing with so much realgar powder? Take it farther away.

In the past, Xu Xian really felt that his wife really didn't hold a lot of alcohol, so he always avoided drinking.

But even if the capacity for alcohol is not good, where there is a bridal chamber, they don't even drink a glass of wine, let alone realgar wine to exorcise evil spirits during festivals.

Besides, it doesn't matter if you don't drink alcohol, how can a good-looking person be afraid of realgar powder, and it's not a snake...

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, the cold sweat on his body became more and more drenched. He felt like he was electrocuted, and he seemed to have seen a ghost. He let go of the white snake's hand in horror, and stumbled back with a pale face.

As soon as White Snake realized that she was pregnant, before she became happy, she saw Xu Xian abandoning herself and fleeing outside in a panic. She didn't have time to think about it, so she hurriedly chased after her, but there were many people on the street outside, and when she chased out, Xu Xian had already disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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